Purr-fectly Imperfect: A look at cohabitating with our feline friends

By Erica Hoffman

I woke up this morning and like most other mornings, I was met by two big round eyes intensely staring at me from the foot of my bed. It sounds frightening, but fear not; what may sound like a scene out of a horror film is actually one of my favorite parts of the day. The glaring stare was from my heart in fur form, my cat, “Kittoneous” or “Kiton” for short.

Contrary to popular belief, even with their fickle feline reputation of aloofness, our cat comrades can add a massive positive light to those smart enough to own one. Maybe you are thinking about, planning to, or already are sharing your house and favorite blankets with a furry feline. In that case you are probably aware that each cat is unique, and you might find you will need a little adjustment period before trust can be earned on either side.

Some cats are more independent, while others are more affectionate. Some are playful, while others are more laid-back. Understanding these different personalities can help you build a stronger bond with your cat.

Most people who share their living space with a cat know that they possess some wonderful and downright peculiar traits, making cohabitation with a cat a thrilling journey. It’s a journey filled with cuddles (when they’re in the mood) and hours of side-splitting amusement, from the bizarre positions they can contort their bodies into to their fascination with batting around a hairband.

More joy comes from the ‘don’t laugh because they’ll think they are doing something good and continue doing it’ mantra, but how do you not laugh when your cat wakes you up like a set alarm for their 3 a.m. FRAP (Frenetic Random Activity Period) sessions? These are the times when your cat suddenly becomes a ball of energy, racing around the house, jumping on you, the furniture, and generally causing chaos. Oh, and did I mention the cat hair? There will be a lot of cat hair. Really, it’s just an incredible amount of cat hair.

For even more adorable fun, somehow your cat will know exactly where you want to go and make sure they are as in the way as they can be. Even better, if you take care of stray cats or have an indoor-outdoor cat, then your journey will more likely than not include dead mice, birds, and other rodents on your front stoop. Think of it as an edible arrangement delivered by your cat for taking such good care of them.

Cats have a unique way of showing their love for their owners. Take Kiton, for example. He adores us, and he shows it in his own special way. He also has a knack for positioning himself in front of our guests’ belongings, ensuring he gets his fair share of attention before they leave. It’s his way of saying, “I’m here, and I’m part of this family, too.” These little quirks are what makes living with a cat such a joy.

And here’s a life hack for you… can’t find your phone, or it needs to charge? If you cannot scroll your day away, fear not! You have hours of cat memes right in the comfort of your own house. In real life! Whether it’s your cat’s hilarious antics or their adorable sleeping positions, there’s always an internal cat meme waiting to be made in your brain. Just snap a mental photo, think of a funny caption, and you’ve got instant entertainment, no phones required.

Another significant advantage of having cats is their ability to provide stress relief. Research has demonstrated that spending time with cats can help alleviate stress and anxiety. The rhythmic purring of a cat has a soothing effect on both the cat and its owner, and stroking their soft fur can be incredibly calming.

I also must mention the ease with which I can take a weekend getaway knowing my furry friend will have everything he needs and be perfectly content to entertain himself while I am away. AKA cats are low maintenance.

This doesn’t mean they don’t need care or attention. Cats require regular feeding, grooming, and veterinary care. They also need a clean litter box and a safe, comfortable environment. However, compared to other pets, they are relatively independent and can adapt well to a variety of living situations. This is a significant factor in deciding what pet will suit you best.

But if you want to laugh until your cheeks hurt and receive a healthy dose of unconditional love, a cat just might be what the veterinarian ordered. You will never get bored observing a cat’s graceful acrobatics, or what I like to call “catkour” (similar to parkour, but with cats) where you will find places you never even knew they could get to. You have the endless entertainment of watching them explore the box your new cat toy came in or simply batting at a stray piece of string. Their shenanigans never fail to bring a smile to my face.

If you’ve read this far, you’re probably nodding along to the weird, wide and wonderful life of cat ownership, just like me.

Erica Hoffman was born in Atlantic City and grew up in  Margate. Her columns range from feel good informative articles to interviews with people who have captivating stories to tell. Hoffman lives with her devoted and patient partner and their obnoxiously adorable cat.


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