Pool at Ocean City Aquatic Center Rededicated in Name of Tony Mazzitelli

Members of the Mazzitelli family gathered at the Ocean City Aquatic and Fitness Center on Friday as the Tony Mazzitelli Natatorium was rededicated. The pool there is named in memory of Mazzitelli, who always loved the water and the physical freedom it offered. After he died of muscular dystrophy at age 16, his parents — Frank “Muzzy” Mazzitelli Sr. and Doris Mazzitelli — donated generously toward the construction of the pool at the Ocean City Community Center in 1979.

A portrait and plaque are dedicated to Mazzitelli, and following a major renovation this summer, the scoreboard at the pool now bears his name.

“The rededication is a fitting tribute to Tony, and it’s good to see that so many people are enjoying the newly renovated facility,” Mayor Jay Gillian said.

Members of Ocean City Council, including Sean Barnes, Terry Crowley, Pete Madden, Tony Polcini and Dave Winslow joined in the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
