Local Brigantine teen surfs 1,345 consecutive days

By Gabriella Bancheri

In Brigantine, a remarkable young surfer, Carter Doorley, has achieved an astounding feat by surfing for 1,345 consecutive days as of Monday, January 29. Starting his journey in March 2020, the thirteen-year-old has braved every condition—be it snow, sun, rain, or shine—to maintain his streak, now nearing four years.

Carter’s unyielding commitment shines through especially considering the recent challenging weather conditions, including nor’easters and snow accumulations. His dedication is vividly captured in a YouTube feature showing him trudging through snow to reach the ocean.

The surf odyssey began when Carter, then nine, faced the lockdowns of early 2020. With most outdoor activities halted, his mother, Dawn Doorley, started taking him to the beach, sparking a challenge that evolved from a 100-day goal to the impressive streak we see today.

Beyond his personal achievement, Carter has used his journey to contribute to the community, partnering with food pantries, participating in beach cleanups, and supporting various charities—all before even reaching his teens.

Carter’s consistent practice has not only enhanced his skills but also allowed him to compete in prestigious surf competitions like those organized by the National Scholastic Surfing Association and the Eastern Surfing Association.

The next chapter in Carter’s journey is Camp Shred in California, the world’s largest surf demo, where he will promote his initiative and interact with professional surfers.

Despite the logistical challenges described by Dawn as akin to a “full-time job,” the support and dedication of Carter and his family underscore a powerful narrative of perseverance and the incredible achievements possible with familial support.

Carter’s story is not just about surfing; it’s a testament to what young individuals can achieve with determination and the backing of dedicated families. For those interested in following Carter’s adventures, his Instagram @cartercatcheswaves offers a glimpse into his inspiring journey.

Gabriella is a Ventnor City resident and graduate of the University of London with an MA in Creative Writing and Publishing. Her writing is featured in a variety of digital publications ranging from food and beverage to literature to ecotourism.
