The Cosmic Connection
By Ursula Duffy

Astrology, by definition, is the study of time and light. It is an art that has been utilized by humanity for millennia to provide a better understanding of how the cosmos affects life on Earth. One’s personal horoscope, also known as a birth chart or natal chart, is a snapshot of the sun, moon, planets and more at the moment of one’s birth (date, time and location). This snapshot holds many keys and secrets to one’s personality and characteristics. It can be considered one’s map, guidebook and lesson plan for life! Everything in the cosmos continues moving beyond the moment of your birth and influences your life in various ways. The rhythm of the sun, moon, planets, stars and seasons influence your life and attitude towards life. The weekly horoscopes provided here in Shore Local Newsmagazine are written based on your rising sign. These horoscopes are intended to provide guidance and insight based on these rhythms. So much is written in the stars! It is my intention that these entries will assist you in deciphering what is encoded within you.

Horoscopes for
Oct. 31 – Nov. 6

Aries: Once a year, the energy is ripe for you to set goals and intentions related to your contractual agreements with others. This year, think critically about your emotional investment and creating more balance between your public and private life.

Taurus: Your hopes and dreams about your closest relationships or partnerships are calling for your attention this week. Answer the call with an emphasis on attracting someone new or deepening an existing bond. A true soulmate inspires personal growth.

Gemini: A refresh in your day-to-day life is incoming. This can apply to many different themes including your job, health, charitable endeavors, habits and even household pets. Welcome in something new, ensuring that it adds value to your life.

Cancer: It’s time to invite more joy and pleasure into your life. Ponder what tantalizes your senses and do more of it this week. You could even embark on a journey to find or try something new and have fun with the process.

Leo: You may be feeling the stirring of moving or needing a change of scenery. It’s a good time to get clear about what you want most out of your surroundings and how location relates to being or becoming the most authentic version of you.

Virgo: Methods of communication are getting a reset. Ensure your voice is being heard by those that matter to you, that you are communicating your deepest desires and remember that artwork is also a form of expression.

Libra: Ways to increase your personal income and resources have new potential. Being truthful with yourself about your level of satisfaction with your current work is important. It’s OK to make waves and be open to change.

Scorpio: There’s great courage and strength in being yourself. Let down your guard a little more and shine from your greatest depths. Cycles of transformation include beautiful rebirths.

Sagittarius: It’s good to take things more seriously at times, especially when the arrow is pointed at your frame of mind. Getting close to the bull’s-eye will require a keen focus on having a positive outlook and giving yourself some time alone.

Capricorn: Dream big! Dedicating your resources, effort and energy to your passions is very important this week. Consider the people around you and whether they have your best interests at heart. It may be time to find a different tribe.

Aquarius: If you’re feeling as if there’s a job or career change on the horizon, then now’s the time to get the ball rolling. Reality checks on earnings, schedules and fulfillment from your work will be helpful.

Pisces: Satisfy your sense of adventure! Whether it’s embarking on a new journey, learning something new or deepening your spiritual practices, be intentional about beginning anything that’ll lead to broadening your horizons.

Weekly summary:

Diving deeply into Scorpio season continues this week with the Scorpio new moon on Friday, Nov. 1 (8:47 a.m.). The element of water is predominant, which relates to emotion, going with the flow, intuition, receptivity and feelings. There are undercurrents and potential metaphorical riptides that will present challenges to our ability to swim and tread water. Powerful, opposing forces are present, which will bring themes of safeguarding our basic needs, self-preservation and protection amidst occurrences and power struggles that may seem beyond our control. When there are extremes in the cosmos, it’s up to us to do our best personally to maintain maturity and be mindful of our triggers, responses and opportunities for personal growth. The best choice this week may be to “sit on the beach or onshore” rather than going into the grips of the undertow. See the above horoscope for your rising sign for more specific information. If you’re unsure what your rising sign is, you can learn more in my info/tutorial video on our Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel or cast your own birth chart for free on
