The Cosmic Connection
with Ursula Duffy

Horoscopes for
Aug. 22 – 28

Aries: The process of creation brings joy and pleasure. Slow down and spend some intentional time this week rethinking what new creations you want to manifest.

Taurus: Changing up the energy in your home can be as simple as repositioning furniture and accent pieces. Sprucing up your space can result in shifts beyond the physical.

Gemini: Let your curiosity be your guide. With a little creative thinking, a new approach, idea or point of view may present itself this week, leading to aha moments.

Cancer: Revisions to finances may come into your awareness. Go with the flow, making any necessary tweaks that will help you move forward with more confidence.

Leo: Redefining yourself is a big theme this week. Consider how you can be more authentic, radiant and heart-centered in your daily life.

Virgo: Something about yourself previously unknown, unseen or unaware may begin to surface. Extra time for retreat can create the space needed for these parts to come online.

Libra: Old friends reenter our lives from time to time. Whenever this happens, it’s wise to remember why the relationship still exists or doesn’t and to rekindle or continue apart.

Scorpio: Those nagging career and public image themes will likely resurface this week. It’s a good time to sit with the feelings and begin putting energy into an action-oriented approach to change.

Sagittarius: Memories from an experience that has broadened your horizons will help keep it alive in your consciousness. If you’ve been longing for another one, start making plans!

Capricorn: Shared resources and contracts may come under review. Changes that foster improvements for all parties make for positive resolutions.

Aquarius: A new perspective about a close friend or partner is in the air. Be open to receiving new information, and remember that all relationships also reflect something about oneself.

Pisces: Absorb what’s being revealed to you about creative enhancements to your daily life and work. New habits and behaviors begin with baby steps and incremental changes.

Weekly summary:

Virgo season begins on Aug. 22, ushering in the harvest season and the end of summer. The second Mercury retrograde of this year will end on Aug. 28 (lasting from Aug. 5-28), which gives us the opportunity to review what new, creative ideas have come into our awareness over the last few weeks. Mercury retrogrades have a bad reputation since they usually disturb our daily lives by interrupting communication, travel, technology and finances. I love Mercury retrogrades for the subtle gifts in the interruptions, the power of the pause and the opportunities to discover new ways to think about or do whatever is coming up for review. What interruptions, miscommunications, reunions with friends and/or technological glitches occurred over the last few weeks that you can see in hindsight as magical gifts? See the above horoscope for your rising sign for more specific information.

The weekly horoscopes provided here are written based on your rising sign. If you’re unsure what your rising sign is, you can learn more in my info/tutorial video on our Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel or cast your own birth chart for free on

Ursula Duffy is a Professional Astrologer, founder of Ursa Alchemy and founding partner/Goddess of Operations (GOO) of Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Atlantic City, NJ. Find her services, teachings, podcast, get in touch and more at
