Move it or lose it

From the Editor

When my daughter was a teenager, she and I joined a gym together. One day I was on the treadmill and glanced across the room to see her lifting heavy dumbbells with a man who was built like Arnold Schwarzenegger, with bulging muscles.

Alarm bells went off in my head. “What were you doing on the boy’s side of the gym?” I proclaimed once we got in the car.

She laughed at me and patiently explained how out-of-date my accusations were. “There is no ‘boys’ side’ of the gym. Lifting weights is for everyone, “ she reasoned.

I wasn’t convinced. She held firm in her stance though. When I knew I couldn’t stop her, in a desperate attempt to dissuade her, I decided to join in.

I learned a lot that year! The trainer in his most intimidating voice referred to me as “Mom” in front of the entire class. Like a tough teacher, he challenged me to work harder and become stronger than I ever thought I could be. To make a long story short: That was 12 years ago, and I have been consistently lifting weights since then — on all sides of the gym!

Spring is a time when many of us reassess our health and get active. I know it is for me. Whether it’s yard work, walking your dog or hitting the gym, movement is key. When my mom was recuperating from a recent surgery a few months ago, the nurse told her, “Motion is the lotion.” Essentially he was explaining that the more she moved, the better her recovery and range of motion would be.

The longer days and warmer weather make my health goals much more appealing. Strolling on the beach, on the boardwalk, through the park, or through a festival is much better than walking on a treadmill as I did in winter months. How do you get your movement in? Do you find that it’s easier in the springtime?

For better or worse, we only get one body, so caring for it through exercise and a healthy diet is vital to our well-being. Check out the special health section in this issue with features from two local doctors about the importance of moving our bodies and consuming magnesium in our diets.

Reed’s Farm is creating paradigm shifts in local farming and feeding the community. Don’t miss this feature on pages 6-8 and the exciting movie showing about it at Tilton Square Theatre on May 19. As always, the local Events and Happenings calendar and Wahoo entertainment section will keep you in the know about all that’s going on in the area.

With warmer-than-usual temperatures and crowds on the boardwalk and beaches, springtime at the Jersey Shore seems to be off to a strong and fast start — just like the horses at the Kentucky Derby. Don’t miss the most exciting two minutes in sports this weekend, and more importantly, all the fun activities and events surrounding it. Check out the My Derby store on the Ocean City Boardwalk for collectibles and all your Derby supplies. We also look back at the fascinating history of the Atlantic City Race Course on page 44.

Unlike any other season of the year, spring symbolizes new growth. This issue of Shore Local marks our first anniversary of publishing every week. We are thankful for the growth and the support we have had from you, our readers, our advertisers and our contributors. We love creating this publication and have exciting plans for its further growth and outreach in the community.

Wishing you a happy and healthy week.

Peace & Love,


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