Meet the Ocean City Hookers

By Steffen Klenk

Every month, a small yet artful group of individuals meet inside Ocean City Library for a unique social gathering. Everyone arrives with a crochet hook, or knitting material, and some yarn, working diligently on their project of choice. Many who show up draw inspiration from each other, providing either tips and tricks, or basic instruction, interlaced with pleasant conversation in-between.

Collectively, they are known as the Ocean City Hookers.

They are a group of crochet and knitting enthusiasts, consisting of beginners to the most advanced crochet artists, from many different walks of life. Individuals bring their own one-of-a-kind skill level to the group. Some work on fun projects such as granny squares while others work on more complex patterns.

Former Ocean City resident Suzanne Hornick formed the group in 2019 as a way for people to meet and participate in a fun, inviting, activity. “I advertised it on Facebook with the idea that everybody who had that particular interest could come and join.”

Upon entering the room, you are instantly part of a diverse, welcoming environment, filled with individuals who are not only encouraging but bring a positive energy and no judgment. Each individual works on their own unique project. Members can choose to take their project home and continue working on it, sell it in a store or online, or donate to local organizations.

One member of the Hookers, Christine Mastrocola, recently moved to Ocean City from South Philly. Prior to discovering the group, she began crocheting 10 years ago, making a blanket for her great niece. “I could sit on the porch and watch TV at night and my brother will say “How do you do it?”’

Local resident Boo D’Ottavio has been a member of the group for several years. “I like sharing ideas and you get into conversations about different things,” she explained. “You get to know people.”

“It’s a great gathering of people”, says Maryann Williams, who currently organizes the monthly Hookers group. “We have a lot of different discussions, share our projects, and help each other. We have a lot of fun.”

Crochet is defined by Merriam-Webster as needlework consisting of the interlocking of looped stitches formed with a single thread and a hooked needle. Its origins can be traced back to Europe in the 19th century, when the first published instructions for crochet appeared in a Dutch magazine. Early dated references can be traced back over 200 years.

Whether you have just discovered fiber art or want to share your expertise with others, the Ocean City Hookers is open to everyone. The group meets every second Thursday of the month at the Ocean City Library. Residents, homeowners, and new members are welcome to join. You can also find the group on Facebook under the name Ocean City, NJ Hookers (Crocheters). There, you will find helpful advice, tutorials, videos, and event reminders.

Steffen Klenk is a photographer and multimedia journalist who enjoys capturing the eclectic moments of shore life. You may contact Steffen at


One Response

  1. I need to join this group! I will be returning to OCNJ next Friday for three weeks…I come back and forth from Md all Summer until mid October m. I am an active member of Tiny Toppers of Md…we knit and crochet hats for newborns, NICU babies, Comfort dolls which are given to children 12 and under at a program called Safe…Sexual Assault Forensics Examination and Crocheted Octyopuses given to BIcU babies so they cling to them and stop pulling out all the tubes attatched!
    Even do you meet??
    Please let me know!
    Lindsay Eckert