Give Yourself a Break From the Pandemic

By Erica Hoffman

If you’re anything like me, this insane time has stressed you out at least a little and you could use a break. You may find yourself wondering how to hit pause on this perpetual doom and gloom machine we’re on.

I have lived with anxiety and constant worry all of my life. As a result, I am on a perpetual hunt for relaxation tips and tricks. In an effort to unclench our collective jaws, I’d like to pass on what I’ve learned through my lifetime of (mostly) self-inflicted anxiety.

Whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally, there certainly are ways to get your zen back. Let me help!

Ways to give yourself a break:

Take a break from alcohol, processed food, and sugar – To be honest, it sucks at first. However the cravings subside, and then you will feel great.

Take a long, hot bath –  Use Epsom salts to relax your muscles (pro tip from someone who lives on the brink of “stressed out”).

Allow time for a little extra sleep – Whether it’s going to bed 20 minutes early or doing some prep the night before to give yourself some time to sleep in, a couple of minutes of extra z’s go a long way.

Do a YouTube or On Demand yoga class– You can do this alone, or make it a family event. Everyone can take a turn choosing which style of yoga to do. It’s surprisingly more fun than you think.

Be still in silence– Find a favorite spot, and just be. Quiet your mind, and do nothing for ten minutes. Being still is surprisingly hard at first, but I can tell you it’s worth it.

Use deep breathing techniques – There are (of course) apps that can help you. Try the app “Calm,” or the cleverly titled “The Breathing App.”

Clean up your computer – Close the tabs and windows you’re not using. Focus on single-tasking. Embarrassingly, I did this and had 81 tabs and windows open that I wasn’t using.  I can’t believe I’m broadcasting my shame.

Go for a walk – Don’t set a time or route,  just wander. This may seem trite, but honestly, it can lead to some amazing clarity.

Play like a child – Blow bubbles, make a sandcastle, take a bike ride, or play with some playdough or slime. Trust me.

Take a break from the news  – Don’t worry, you won’t miss anything. There’s even a chance you may feel less bogged down at the end of a news-free day. Trying it is the only way to know for sure.

Take a social media break – Again, I can assure you, you won’t be missing anything. There will be plenty of unrealistic pictures of “deliriously happy” people you went to high school with when you return.

Erica Hoffman was born in Atlantic City and is proud to be writing for Shore Local. She lives in South Jersey and enjoys finding and sharing the lighter side of life.
