Employees of the Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA) were recently recognized for their generous donations through the New Jersey Employees Charitable Campaign (NJECC). Pledges from ACUA employees totaled $55,884 — the second highest amount contributed in the state, behind only Rutgers University.
“It’s incredible that with just over 300 employees, ACUA is recognized as the second largest donor in the state. This achievement reflects the commitment and compassion of our team,” said ACUA President Matthew DeNafo. “Our employees dedicate themselves to serving the community through their work, and they go above and beyond by choosing to support others in need through their contributions.”
The NJECC provides state and local municipal employees the opportunity to contribute to a multitude of charities through the convenience of payroll deduction. This year is the 8th consecutive year ACUA has participated in the program.