A Look Back
By Fred Miller
One hundred and twenty years ago, R. Curtis Robinson, owner and editor of the Ocean City Sentinel, wrote: “With what Ocean City has as the twentieth century dawns, there are wonderful possibilities for the future. Look back during the past twenty years and note the progress. No other seaside resort can begin to compare with it in achievements. The public spirit has been of a magnificent character. The city can well feel proud. It has all the modern conveniences of a greater city. It is possible to do business here under twentieth century conditions.”

Robinson knew not everyone agreed with his rosy picture of the city’s future. He wrote, “There is an occasional disappointed chap who will knock his heels together out upon the cold curbing and say mean things about the city. He tells you the place is dead. Has gone back. It is not what it used to be. Will never amount to anything in the future, and a lot of rot like that.”
Robinson responded to the negative comments writing, “Can anybody deny that Ocean City is bigger than ever was before? There are more homes and more people. There are more cottages and boarding houses. There are more people at work. There is more money invested in enterprises. There is more money paid out every week in wages. People are living more comfortably. Their homes are better furnished. They have more advantages for the people. Schools are greater and better. There are far more school accommodations. The young man and young women are obtaining a much higher education.”
Robinson ended writing, “Sounds like a romance to the poor, misguided disappointed fellow who is finding so much fault, but there are the facts, and it will make the best of them spend sleepless nights to get anything like a argument to oppose this proposition.”