Real Estate Matters
By Elisa Jo Eagan
With winter wrapping up and Saint Patrick’s Day this week, are you thinking about selling your home this spring? Now is the perfect time to prepare. Use these expert tips to get your home ready to wow potential buyers.
Spring is an ideal time to sell a home and with a little more than luck, you can make it stand out. It’s a well-known fact that both buyer activity and home inventory increase during March, April, May and June. This means more competition – but these simple real estate tips will help your spring listing shine.
Stay Ahead of the
Home Inspection
If you already know a home inspector will find issues, fix them beforehand. Buyers appreciate proactive updates and it often costs less to handle repairs before negotiations begin. Plus, it reduces the risk of buyers placing contingencies on the contract.
Declutter Indoor Spaces
Winter often brings extra clutter – time to purge and donate. Consider giving unused clothing and items to a local shelter, mission, or charitable thrift shop. Potential buyers are more likely to fall in love with a home that feels spacious. Tidy rooms appear larger, which is a win-win for both sellers and buyers.
If you have sentimental clutter, preserve family memories while keeping your space organized. Digitize paper memories such as awards, photos, artwork, essays, etc. by scanning them into a cloud-based album. This way, they’re always accessible without taking up physical space. For extra special pieces, display your favorites by hanging sentimental items and bringing them with you to your next home.
Resume Yard Work
March is the time to clean up what winter left behind. Remove dead leaves and debris, trim overgrown vegetation to showcase windows and walkways, and prune large bushes and branches for a neater, more inviting exterior. To add a pop of color, plant spring flowers in flower boxes, pottery, or garden beds to boost curb appeal and create a great first impression.
Deep Clean the Exterior
Your home’s exterior is just as important as the interior. Think of it as the cover of a book. Powerwash the siding, sidewalks and driveway to freshen up the look. A freshly cleaned exterior makes a big difference to buyers. If you’re up for it, renting a power washer is an affordable DIY improvement that can instantly enhance your home’s appearance.
Brighten Up Your
Color Palette
Spring means brighter days, so let your decor reflect that. Update accent pieces like pillows, rugs and wall art with soft spring colors such as yellows, pinks, lavenders, light blues, or turquoise. Consider painting cabinets or small furniture to give your home a budget-friendly refresh. A simple pop of color can breathe new life into your space.
These simple but effective tips will set the stage for a successful spring home sale.
Saint Patrick’s Day & Spring Countdown
It’s just nine days until spring. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day Week and may the Luck of the Irish be with you. Until next week, here is an Irish blessing to you.
“May the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and until we meet again, may the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand. Amen.”
With hugs, love and warm regards,
For real estate information and advice, contact Elisa Jo Eagan, the “Real Estate Godmother,” at 609-703-0432. Learn more at
For More Real Estate Questions, Information and Advice Contact Elisa Jo Eagan “The Real Estate Godmother” (609)703-0432 and Remember…”There’s No Place Like Owning Your Own Home!”