Why women should embrace muscle building

Empowering Women
By Rachel Guevara

The phrase “muscle weighs more than fat” has been a source of confusion and controversy in the fitness world for years. But what does this actually mean? And why should women, in particular, pay attention to it?


Understanding the Phrase

First, let’s clarify the saying. A pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh the same—one pound. However, the key difference lies in their density. Muscle is denser and takes up less space than fat. This means that even if your weight on the scale remains the same or even increases, your body composition can be improving as you gain muscle and lose fat. In essence, you can look leaner and more toned without seeing a drastic drop in weight.


The Benefits of Building Muscle

Building muscle offers a myriad of benefits, especially for women. It boosts your metabolism, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight. It also strengthens bones, which is crucial in preventing osteoporosis as you age. Additionally, muscle helps improve posture, balance, and overall physical performance.

Yet, despite these benefits, many women are hesitant to engage in strength training because of the fear of “bulking up.” This misconception stems from a misunderstanding of how muscle growth works, particularly in women.


Debunking the “Bulking Up” Myth

One of the most persistent myths is that lifting weights will make women bulky. The truth is, women have lower levels of testosterone compared to men, which makes it much harder to gain significant muscle mass. Achieving a “bulky” physique requires a specific type of training, diet, and often, supplementation, which is far beyond what most women engage in during regular strength training.

Instead, what you’re likely to experience from lifting weights is a leaner, more defined physique. Strength training helps to sculpt the body, creating the toned look that many women desire. It enhances curves and boosts confidence, all while providing numerous health benefits.


Why You Shouldn’t Fear the Scale

Another common mistake is becoming overly fixated on the number on the scale. When you begin strength training and building muscle, you might not see the scale move as much as you expect, or it might even go up slightly. This can be discouraging, but it’s important to remember that the scale doesn’t tell the full story.

Muscle weighs more per unit volume than fat, so as you lose fat and gain muscle, your weight might not change much. However, you’ll notice your clothes fitting better, your body feeling stronger, and your measurements shrinking in all the right places.

Instead of relying solely on the scale, track your progress through other means. Take body measurements, notice how your clothes fit, or even keep a photo journal of your progress. These methods will give you a more accurate picture of your transformation and help keep you motivated.


Best Ways to Build Muscle

To effectively build muscle, focus on a combination of strength training, proper nutrition, and adequate rest. Aim for resistance training exercises that target all major muscle groups, such as squats, deadlifts, push-ups, and rows. It’s important to challenge your muscles by gradually increasing the weight or resistance as you get stronger.

Protein plays a critical role in muscle repair and growth, so ensure your diet includes enough of it. Incorporate lean proteins like chicken, fish, tofu, and legumes into your meals. And don’t forget the importance of rest—muscles need time to recover and grow, so make sure you’re getting enough sleep and allowing your body to rest between workouts.

The phrase “muscle weighs more than fat” isn’t something to fear—it’s something to understand and embrace. Building muscle will not only help you achieve a toned, healthy body but also provide numerous health benefits. Don’t let misconceptions or the number on the scale deter you from your fitness goals. Focus on how you feel, how your clothes fit, and the strength you’re gaining. After all, your body’s transformation is about more than just a number; it’s about becoming the healthiest, strongest version of yourself.

Rachel Guevara is the owner of Lift & Glitz Training Studio in Northfield, NJ. With 13 years of experience in the fitness industry, Rachel holds certifications in Personal & Group Fitness through ISSA and is a Zumba Fitness Instructor. A proud single mother of two, Rachel balances her professional and personal life with grace and determination. She earned her BA in Communications from Stockton University and resides in Northfield.
