When the retirement honeymoon is over

By Eric Reich

Why is retirement the entire focus of my business? It’s the same reason we hear about retirement on a nearly constant basis. This year 4.2 million Americans are expected to reach retirement age. This is not only an enormous amount of people reaching retirement age, but those retirees will live far longer in retirement than any previous generation. Gone are the days of retiring at age 65 only to live until age 70. For some people, retirement could last more than 30% of their lives.

Initially, it’s like a honeymoon phase: days filled with travel, dining out, more free time to do whatever you want, or nothing at all if you prefer. For me, I envision lots of travel and perhaps surfing all over the world. What’s the problem with that? Unfortunately, they call the honeymoon phase a phase for a reason. The reason is because it doesn’t last long. We love the honeymoon phase. It’s filled with new and exciting adventures. We tend to not see issues because we are so enamored with our new life. Over time, however, we start to realize everything isn’t quite perfect.

The end of the honeymoon phase comes with the realization for some retirees that they may have lost as much as they have gained in their new retirement life. A loss of identity is the biggest reason retirees are dissatisfied with retirement. Some of them think, “If I’m not a (insert your profession here), then who am I?” With retirement comes a decrease in social interactions as well as a loss of routine. The same freedom to do whatever you do or don’t want causes many retirees to crave a sense of routine. After all, you followed a routine for decades and to suddenly stop can be a difficult transition to make. A loss of identity from retirement can lead to higher levels of anxiety and depression.

So, how do we deal with the end of the honeymoon phase? For starters, figuring out your new identity can help. Ask yourself, what do I still want to accomplish in life? What am I most passionate about? You have built a lifetime of skills and knowledge that others desperately need to learn. Are there organizations you want to support? Volunteering your time can help set a new routine, create new social interactions and, most importantly, give you a stronger sense of purpose.

Having a sense of purpose in retirement has been shown to be one of the key determinants of happiness in retirement. A sense of purpose can make retirees feel normal again. This leads to extending the feelings of the honeymoon phase long into retirement, if not for the rest of your life. Retirement is far more mental than it is financial. Retirees have been shown to be able to adapt their lifestyle to most income levels, but happiness in retirement has been shown to be harder to achieve. Having a plan before you retire can help increase the odds of satisfaction with your retirement itself, and as we say in the surfing community, just enjoy the ride.

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Eric is President and founder of Reich Asset Management, LLC. He relies on his 25 years of experience to help clients have an enjoyable retirement.  He is aCertified Financial Planner™ and Certified Investment Management AnalystSM (CIMA®) and has earned his Chartered Life Underwriter® (CLU®) and Chartered Financial Consultant® (ChFC®) designations.
