What’s written in the stars this week

The Cosmic Connection
with Ursula Duffy

Astrology, by definition, is the study of time and light. It is an art and science that has been utilized by humanity for millennia to provide a better understanding of how the cosmos affects life on Earth. One’s personal horoscope, also known as a birth or natal chart, is a snapshot of the sun, moon, planets and more at the moment of one’s birth date, time and birth location. This snapshot holds many keys and secrets to one’s personality, characteristics and can be considered one’s personal map, guidebook and lesson plan for life! Everything in the cosmos continues moving beyond the moment of your birth and influences your life in various and cyclical ways. Cycles according to the rhythm of the sun, moon, planets, stars, seasons and even at specific ages influence your life and possibly your attitude towards life. The weekly horoscopes provided here by Shore Local Newsmagazine are written based on your Rising Sign.  These horoscopes are intended to provide guidance and insight based on these rhythms and the cosmic connection to your lived experience. So much is written in the stars! It is my intention that these entries will assist you in deciphering what is encoded within you.


Horoscopes for
July 4 – July 10

♈ Aries: Invest in your home with the intention of creating a more nurturing environment for yourself and your family. Enduring connections and bonds are fostered in a peaceful space.

♉ Taurus: You have been tuning into your own unique frequency for quite some time. Becoming more authentic is often accompanied by unexpected change. Consider where your frequency fits and plant new seeds there.

♊ Gemini: A heart-centered approach to dreaming up new resource streams will serve you. Clearing out and detaching from anything with emotional baggage can make more space for even greater potential.

♋ Cancer: To be in the shell, or not to be in the shell. That is a theme requiring attention. Remember that time inside is important for your own needs, and that time outside is essential for personal growth. Feeling through periods of uncomfortable vulnerability is the silver lining.

♌ Leo: Honor any nudges about feeling the need to rest and retreat. A few days out of the spotlight to refill your own cup will refresh your energy for the new adventures ahead.

♍ Virgo: Being an active participant in a deep healing journey greatly serves you and others. The experience is a gift that can be wrapped into a new vision. Set clear intentions now for how you want this vision to grow and mature in the future.

♎ Libra: This is a good time to think about your job or career, and any potential changes you wish to make. Seek out opportunities that support your authenticity, relationships and more balance and peace within yourself.

♏ Scorpio: Studying or doing something that generates a sense of fulfillment every day is medicine for your soul. Pursue the opportunity that feels right and will expand your mind.

♐ Sagittarius: Keeping your deepest desires a secret can inhibit growth. Consider a new way to share and communicate your feelings rather than keeping them close to your heart.

♑ Capricorn: Your close friendships and partnerships are being infused with fresh energy. Do something nourishing together! If you’re seeking a new relationship, it’s time to be clear about who you want. An ideal match will feel like home.

♒ Aquarius: It’s a good time to begin a new daily practice or routine that improves your overall health and well-being. Exploring and utilizing local resources may provide the best fit, and something to which you have a natural affinity.

♓ Pisces: Light is shining through to a new creation. Tune into your heart and inner knowing to tap into whatever is wanting to come through you. Trust the information and let the seeds be planted.


Weekly Summary:

Our holiday weekend celebrations may be touched with a little more tenderness and emotional nourishment due to this week’s Cancer new moon on Friday, July 5 (6:57 p.m.). Surprising, innovative insights into new ways to heal relationship wounds may be revealed. Honor what the heart desires and move forward with optimism! See the above horoscope for your Rising Sign for more specific information. If you’re unsure what your Rising Sign is, you can learn more in my info/tutorial video on our Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel, or cast your own birth chart for free on astro.com.

Ursula Duffy is a Professional Astrologer, founder of Ursa Alchemy and founding partner/Goddess of Operations (GOO) of Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Atlantic City, NJ. Find her services, teachings, podcast, get in touch and more at www.seagoddesshealingarts.com/ursaalchemy
