What’s written in the stars this week

The Cosmic Connection
with Ursula Duffy

Astrology, by definition, is the study of time and light. It is an art and science that has been utilized by humanity for millennia to provide a better understanding of how the cosmos affects life on Earth. One’s personal horoscope, also known as a birth or natal chart, is a snapshot of the sun, moon, planets and more at the moment of one’s birth date, time and birth location. This snapshot holds many keys and secrets to one’s personality, characteristics and can be considered one’s personal map, guidebook and lesson plan for life. Everything in the cosmos continues moving beyond the moment of your birth and influences your life in various and cyclical ways. Cycles according to the rhythm of the sun, moon, planets, stars, seasons and even at specific ages influence your life and possibly your attitude towards life. The weekly horoscopes provided here by Shore Local Newsmagazine are written based on your rising sign.  These horoscopes are intended to provide guidance and insight based on these rhythms and the cosmic connection to your lived experience. So much is written in the stars! It is my intention that these entries will assist you in deciphering what is encoded within you.


Horoscopes for
June 20 – June 26

♈ Aries: Burning the candle at both ends and climbing the career ladder can lead to unhealthy exhaustion. Goals will be achieved, although this time it may take a little longer than usual. Use the lull to your advantage with extra rest, relaxation and time off. A mental health day is overdue!

♉ Taurus: You’re watching your dreams unfold despite some bumps in the road. Stay in the driver’s seat by holding the vision in your mind and heart. With continued courage to speak your truth and effective communication, the bumps will be smoothed, and path ahead cleared for brilliant manifestations.

♊ Gemini: Serious career changes can lead to deep soul-searching. Questioning things is in your nature. An open heart and creative mind are your greatest assets in receiving the answers to be revealed.

♋ Cancer: The spotlight is on you and your closest relationships. Your connection to the answers within is your truest guide in navigating waves of rising emotions. Allow your voice to surface and speak up about what is disturbing your sense of balance and peace.

♌ Leo: A change of scenery affecting your day-to-day life will begin to take root. Necessary traveling will begin to subside, and you’ll finally be able to rest, feel settled and adjust to the new surroundings.

♍ Virgo: Creation takes time and patience. Sometimes a delay comes with deviations from the plan that are important to the result. Stay grounded through any feelings of frustration with awareness of learning opportunities.

♎ Libra: Remember the line “If you build it, he will come” from the movie “Field of Dreams”? Your beautiful construction project is almost ready for habitation. Continue creating with passion and lovingly tending to the finishing touches.

♏ Scorpio: It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, right? Knowing things about your neighbors, local community and relatives allows discernment. Embrace your keen senses and take any action steps necessary to protect yourself from disadvantageous relationships.

♐ Sagittarius: A payoff is in the works on a bold creation. The form could be financial, a confidence boost or both. Some extra work and dedication may be required.

♑ Capricorn: Beautiful light within you is surfacing. Feeling deeply into what you’re being shown about yourself cracks the walls and allows the light to shine. Show up, be seen and fully glow in your authenticity.

♒ Aquarius: It’s a good time to pay very close attention to what your dreams are showing you. If you don’t usually recall your dreams, try learning something new that can help you remember. If you do remember your dreams, journal, journal, journal!

♓ Pisces: A new path began to reveal itself earlier this year. It’s now becoming clearer and clearer, as well as what’s necessary to bring yourself into alignment with that path. Be brave in doing so, and you’ll find more joy along the way.


Weekly Summary:

The summer solstice is this week on June 20 when the sun shifts into the maternal, nurturing zodiac sign Cancer. The first of two Capricorn full moons follows shortly afterwards on Friday, June 21 at 9:07 p.m. (The second Capricorn full moon will be in July). Celebrate the longest day of the year by spending time with family, practicing self-care, enjoying delicious meals and making fond memories. Surround yourself with people who you hold dearly in your mind and in your heart. The moon will reach peak fullness as it rises over the ocean just after sunset, which is always a beautiful, serene sight! See the above horoscope for your rising sign for more specific information. If you’re unsure what your rising sign is, you can learn more in my information/tutorial video on our Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel, or cast your own birth chart for free on astro.com. More detailed information is also available in my Capricorn Full Moon Astro-Weather Check video.
