What’s written in the stars this week

The Cosmic Connection
with Ursula Duffy

Astrology, by definition, is the study of time and light. It is an art that has been utilized by humanity for millennia to provide a better understanding of how the cosmos affects life on Earth. One’s personal horoscope, also known as a birth or natal chart, is a snapshot of the sun, moon, planets and more at the moment of one’s birth date, time and birth location. This snapshot holds many keys and secrets to one’s personality, characteristics and can be considered one’s personal map, guidebook and lesson plan for life! Everything in the cosmos continues moving beyond the moment of your birth and influences your life in various and cyclical ways. Cycles according to the rhythm of the sun, moon, planets, stars, seasons and even at specific ages influence your life and possibly your attitude towards life. The weekly horoscopes provided here by Shore Local Newsmagazine are written based on your rising sign. These horoscopes are intended to provide guidance and insight based on the rhythms and the cosmic connection to your lived experience. So much is written in the stars! It is my intention that these entries will assist you in deciphering what is encoded within you.


Horoscopes for
May 30 – June 5

♈ Aries: A new relationship to your creative power that ignited last summer is maturing. Pay attention to inspired ideas or information presented around fueling the fire, especially if the road ahead will be paved with personal growth.

♉ Taurus: Finding more peace in your living space or within yourself is a journey. Consistent, dedicated steps in the direction of inner peace, following the signs from your soul, will result in pleasing self-confidence.

♊ Gemini: You’re halfway there in a new course of study, a redefined connection with a close relative or reinventing a form of communication. Keep going with laser focus on remembering that the strongest relationship you have is the one with yourself.

♋ Cancer: Your greatest resource is you, and you cannot give from an empty well. Value yourself even more this week by spending some time recentering and rejuvenating. Practices such as yoga, meditation or simply sleeping more may be especially soothing.

♌ Leo: A revision of how you show up and the way you work through the world began last summer. It’s now becoming clear how this is contributing to a new goal, group of friends or even a whole new vision for your future. Broadening your horizons is an achievement!

♍ Virgo: You are well on your way in the journey to connect with your dreams and subconscious. It’s a deep dive that can be challenging for a practical mind. Break it down into manageable parts and in the path forward, reflect on how it has positively contributed to your career or your public image.

♎ Libra: A reweaving of the golden thread of connection to friends, lovers and/or your overall goals and intentions is still in the works. Letting go and having boundaries can be challenging, but ultimately anything that disturbs your equilibrium and detracts from growing into your highest potential needs to fall away.

♏ Scorpio: Authenticity is key in however you show up in the outside world. Intimate connection with your own heart is what’s being shown most in shedding what’s not truly you. Shine your light with pride, even if it means detangling and separating from another.

♐ Sagittarius: Carry forward any new sense of playfulness in the pursuit of expansive endeavors. Welcome new people, encounters and connections that keep the creative fire stoked and satisfy your social and inquisitive curiosities.

♑ Capricorn: Remember that endings are not failures but new beginnings. The layers of healing in coming home to oneself are important to your overall well-being, health, daily life, practices and habits. If a legal separation occurred last summer, persevere in the decision as it’s contributing to a healthier you.

♒ Aquarius: Oftentimes we are shown through others that which truly strokes our own heartstrings. A skeptical perspective takes some time to work through. If inspiration is part of the experience, then allow that to be an influential guide.

♓ Pisces: A health, heart or work challenge can feel devastating, especially if it results in a move or a new discovery in the family line. Having compassion for yourself can help you through and uplift your self-esteem. Show yourself some grace and be proud of how far you’ve come within the last year.


Weekly Summary:

The highlight of the week is a beautiful cosmic embrace and connection of Venus and the sun on Tuesday, June 4, which marks the halfway point of a journey that began on Aug. 13, 2023. The personal and collective themes will require an action-oriented response to make the most of the healing opportunities, especially in relationships, and in particular the relationship we all have with ourselves. Mercury the Messenger meets up with rebel Uranus and then later in the week with expansive Jupiter. Delivery of information, maybe even surprising information that can free our minds and/or shift our perspectives beyond our imagination, is possible! See the above horoscope for your rising sign for more specific information.

Ursula Duffy is a Professional Astrologer, founder of Ursa Alchemy and founding partner/Goddess of Operations (GOO) of Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Atlantic City, NJ. Find her services, teachings, podcast, get in touch and more at www.seagoddesshealingarts.com/ursaalchemy
