Weight Gain and the Obesity Epidemic Explained

By Sam V. Jonuzi ND

Weight loss has been a national obsession. Over 40% of American women and more than 25% of men are trying to lose weight through diverse methods including a number of dietary regimens, behavior modification techniques, exercise programs and drugs.

It is a fact that one-third of America’s population is overweight and the number of severely obese children has doubled since 1980. Obesity is shaking the very structure of our society and is becoming a worldwide pandemic and recently has been acknowledged as a major health problem. It has been estimated that about 300,000 deaths a year are caused, directly or indirectly by obesity.

Scientific studies have clearly demonstrated that the obese are at higher risk for developing hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, respiratory conditions, breast cancer in women, colon and rectal cancer in men, gall bladder disease and degenerative joint disease. Excessive weight contributes to reducing the lifespan of both men and women. It is impossible to find a “miracle” product or a “magic bullet” that will address all the key elements in weight reduction.

The typical American diet is a major factor contributing to excess weight gain. Because it is made up of many refined and processed foods, is low in fiber, and is high in simple sugars. The easy availability of such products and the $36 billion each year spent by American food industries in advertising its products is a major contributor to the overweight epidemic. Whole foods, whole grain, low fat, high complex carbohydrates, and a high fiber diet is recommended to avoid excess weight. It is not necessarily a matter of how much a person eats, but rather what the person eats. It is very important to know that a person does not need to consume dietary fat in order to make the body fat. Excess calories from protein and carbohydrates can be converted to fat by the body and stored. Only the essential fatty acids must be supplied by the diet. All body cells can take the triglycerides from circulating lipoproteins to use for energy or store them for future use. Most cells can store only a limited amount, but adipose or fat cells can store 50 to 100 times more. The only way to reduce stored body fat is to burn it for energy, and this can only happen if the body consumes fewer calories than it needs and then turns to the energy stored in the adipose/fat reserves.

Effectiveness of Weight Reduction Methods

Among the many diet regimens and methods that have been promoted for weight reduction (from diet changes from blocking of carbohydrates and fats, diet and appetite restriction slimming methods, liposuction and bypass/stomach restriction), one of the most effective of clearing of fat is the method developed by Dr. Simeon and described in his manuscript “Pounds and Inches”. It was popularized more recently by Kevin Trudeau in his book “The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You to Know About”.

Body fat can be divided into three subgroups:

Structural – that surrounds organs and joints.

Normal/Functional Fat – which participates in the body’s daily nutritional metabolism.

Secure reserve fat – which is stored in what we refer to as the “B” areas: named belly, butt and breast. The body’s daily metabolism has little access to these areas in its daily routine.

Dr. Simeon observed that a 500 calorie diet in conjunction with HCG administration in small amounts could impact obesity in a dramatic fashion and especially so on the “B” areas. The HCG method is not a diet program; it is a method of freeing fat from fat cells and switching the body-process of the external supply of calories from the diet into the internal supply from excessive fat. With this method the weight and inches are decreasing day by day. Daily activities can be easily continued without feeling fatigued or tired. At Nutritional Infusions, Dr.Simeon’s protocol of HCG hormone and diet weight cure is an integral part of our integrative model of health care, where Medical Doctors and Naturopathic Doctors practice as a team. At Nutritional Infusions, this protocol is strictly administered and supervised by our staff and Medical Doctors. Call us today (609) 732-0101 to get started on a healthier tomorrow!

Sam Jonuzi a Naturopathic Doctor and certified Integrative Health Practitioner is a leading authority in Alternative Healthcare, especially Clinical Nutrition, Nutritional IV Therapy and Weight Loss.  He has also been a member of the American Associates of Integrative Medicine since 2009 
