Outdoor Winter Fitness for the Whole Family

Shore Fit
By Bonnie Miller

It certainly has been getting colder and colder.  Bundle up for some winter activities to torch calories and have a little fun. Don’t let the deep freeze discourage you from getting outside and getting active. If you dress properly in layers, and choose fitness activities that are fun, you and your family can actually look forward to working out in the winter. 

Winter activities, particularly when there’s snow on the ground, are good for strengthening our core muscles because of the uneven, slick surface. It’s a great way to get your core muscles, and your entire body in shape.  Underneath all those layers, you can burn some serious calories.

Head over to your local sledding hill (provided there’s snow) for a fun, cardiovascular workout. Sledding requires you to use multiple muscle groups to steer as you speed down hills. You also exert a lot of effort while walking your sled back up the hill so you can go down again. Walking uphill is where you get the most benefit because climbing hills is an aerobic activity that’s also great for your leg muscles. How many calories you burn depends on how many back-and-forth trips you make and the steepness of the hill.

Cross country skiing is another good one, because you’re using both your upper and lower body. It’s also a terrific calorie burner.  Another advantage of cross country skiing is that it’s cost friendly and you can do it in a nearby park.  Hitting the slopes can be pricey.  Lift tickets and ski rental costs make downhill skiing a more expensive sport and it’s not as intense a calorie burner as cross-country skiing.  However, most ski enthusiasts do it for hours at a time, so the calorie burn can add up.

Ice skating is another winter exercise that’s great for the family and perfect for working those leg muscles. As with skiing, how fast and how long you skate will determine how many calories you ultimately burn.  One advantage to ice skating over skiing is that it’s not as costly and most rinks will rent you skates if you don’t have your own. 

Snowshoeing is another winter fitness activity that offers a total body workout. Snowshoeing will strengthen your leg muscles while getting your heart pumping.  

Once that first snow arrives, make the most of it by bundling up the family for play in the snow. You can burn anywhere from 200 to 400 calories an hour with this activity depending on what you do in the snow. Build a fort, have an old-fashioned snowball fight, and make snow angels. Playing in the show is certainly more fun than shoveling it, but you can torch major calories clearing your driveway too. 

My favorite outdoor activity is touch football.   With football, you’ll be running a lot, an aerobic workout with a big caloric burn. The whole family can enjoy this activity.

Grab the family one evening and take a walk  to see how your neighbors have decorated their homes for the holidays. The furry friends can even get in on this one.  There is limited daylight in the winter, so wear reflective clothing if you plan to be out after dinner. 

Any activity that incorporates family is a great opportunity, not only to burn some calories but to spend quality time while doing it!

Bonnie Miller is certified fitness instructor at the Ocean City Aquatic and Fitness Center and the JCC in Margate. She is a mom of three and resides Somers Point.
