The Cosmic Connection
By Ursula Duffy

Horoscopes for Oct. 10 – 16

Aries: This whole week may challenge your usual skill in focusing enough attention on yourself, home, relationships and work. If the juggling act gets overwhelming, talk it out with a close friend or confidant.

Taurus: The juggling act for you this week involves optimizing your physical and mental well-being. Openness to new ideas and information that will assist you in pushing through feelings of being stuck will be beneficial.

Gemini: Sometimes, it can feel like the weight of the world rests on one’s shoulders. Lighten the load this week by enjoying fun activities that help uncloud your vision.

Cancer: Retreating to the comfort of home when the outside world is feeling like too much may be exactly what’s needed this week. Have conversations with loved ones if you feel your voice isn’t being heard otherwise.

Leo: If you don’t already document your thoughts, ideas and dreams, now may be a good time to start. A fresh new journal can be an exciting motivator and a blank canvas for uplifting self-expression.

Virgo: What stuff still needs to be shed? Clutter can show up in thoughts in addition to physical items. Set an intention this week to be more mindful of self-critical or self-judgmental thoughts. When you catch yourself, flip them into compliments instead.

Libra: There’s a brand-new you ready to be reborn. Self-acceptance and self-confidence are key to being unwavering when challenged or pressured into old habits or old behavior patterns.

Scorpio: Restoring the connection to yourself is important during times of challenge and change. Be sure your own deepest desires and passions are being honored and communicated.

Sagittarius: This week may feel as if the pause button has been pressed on forward momentum in your life, particularly in your closest relationships. Remember the power in the pause and address anything that’s coming up for review or redirection.

Capricorn: When something is shattered into a million pieces, there’s an opportunity to put it back together in a different way. The thing here is you, and the opportunity is to exclude any pieces holding you back from shining brilliantly as the best version of yourself.

Aquarius: A short trip somewhere not too far away may be just what you need to feel recharged. It’s a good week to get away if possible and give yourself a pleasant, refreshing break.

Pisces: Steps taken to change or improve your home environment may need to be re-traced. A little review is good for the process and can infuse new energy into or shed light on things previously ignored or overlooked.

Weekly Summary:

There’s tension building in the cosmos ahead of next week’s full moon. Fortunately, the underlying energies involved encourage making positive changes through trying something new and creating an improved path forward individually and collectively. There’s great potential and opportunity for healing in letting go of restrictive, detrimental systems and structures. A fresh approach that offers fairness, justice, peace and balance can inspire positive change. See the above horoscope for your rising sign for more specific information. If you’re unsure what your rising sign is, you can learn more in my info/tutorial video on our Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel, or cast your own birth chart for free on

Ursula Duffy is a Professional Astrologer, founder of Ursa Alchemy and founding partner/Goddess of Operations (GOO) of Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Atlantic City, NJ. Find her services, teachings, podcast, get in touch and more at


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