The Cosmic Connection
with Ursula Duffy

Horoscopes for
March 13-19

Aries: The status of your health, self-image, “wealth” and vitality is under review. What can be released from your daily life to improve and enhance all the above will be shown to you.

Taurus: Layers of infertile soil have been excavated from the garden of you. Sifting out remaining impurities while imprinting new seeds to be planted is an ongoing process.

Gemini: Cleaning house runs deeper than usual routine housekeeping. Shedding items and belongings no longer truly needed creates more space for renewal.

Cancer: Consider the overall vibe of your immediate surroundings throughout your day. Rearrange what you can to create more courageous self-expression.

Leo: Remember that you are perfectly imperfect. External forces can create the unexpected. What may initially feel like a loss is really a gain that will be realized when you’re ready.

Virgo: Your vessel is sacred and the vehicle through which you experience this precious life. Nurture it with the purest fuels. Feeling well is good for you and those around you.

Libra: Body, mind and spirit all require attention. More focus on peace of mind and connection to spirit may be needed. Achieve balance through routine or new methods.

Scorpio: The dynamic is shifting in your participation and contributions to your community. A more independent or focused approach may be more energetically supportive for you.

Sagittarius: The illusion of perfection is a house of cards. A shake-up is building in your career or work. Catalyze a new vision through heartfelt leadership and being proactive.

Capricorn: Plans for a new adventure may not work out exactly as you’d expected. Redirect your time, efforts and energy to shorter-term projects and goals.

Aquarius: The light is shining on contracts with others that may need reconsideration. Carefully review any communication about legal matters and trust this leads to greater independence.

Pisces: Surrender of a relationship that is no longer serving you removes the drain on your energy. Awareness of behavior patterns may accompany the experience, along with feelings of general tidying of your life.

Weekly astrology summary:

This week is all about the full moon! The Virgo full moon perfects on Friday, March 14 at 2:54 a.m. It’s also a total lunar eclipse that will be visible overnight here in Southern New Jersey and most of North and South America. This is the first eclipse of 2025 and packs an energetic punch with far-reaching aftershocks due to the undercurrents of energies present. If eclipse viewing is your thing and we’re expecting a clear night, check out the website for exact start and end times (go to the “Sun, Moon & Space” menu and select “Eclipses” from the submenu; be sure you’ve set your current location). Mercury is the planet at the helm of this full moon/eclipse, which will be at a standstill in the sky during the experience, about to begin its first retrograde of the year on Saturday, March 15. If you’ve been tuned into the Cosmic Connection here for a while, you know that I have a very favorable opinion of Mercury retrogrades. I find them to be magical experiences and the best times to connect with the planet despite the delays, typical miscommunications, technology interruptions, travel snafus and friendship tests. Mercury’s retrograde will span both Aries and Pisces, beginning in Aries. We’ll also begin to experience the elemental shift of Mercury retrogrades this year from the fire to the water signs. See the above horoscope for your rising sign for more specific information. If you’re unsure what your rising sign is, you can learn more in my info/tutorial video on my Ursa Alchemy YouTube channel or cast your own birth chart for free on

Ursula Duffy is a Professional Astrologer, Certified Aromatherapist and founder of Ursa Alchemy. Find her astrology readings and astrological aromatherapy services, teachings, podcast, get in touch and more at or


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