The Cosmic Connection
with Ursula Duffy
Astrology, by definition, is the study of time and light. It is an art that has been utilized by humanity for millennia to provide a better understanding of how the cosmos affects life on Earth. One’s personal horoscope, aka a birth chart or natal chart, is a snapshot of the sun, moon, planets and more at the moment of one’s birth (date, time and location). This snapshot holds many keys and secrets to one’s personality and characteristics. A horoscope can be considered one’s map, guidebook and lesson plan for life! Everything in the cosmos continues moving beyond the moment of your birth and influences your life in various and cyclical ways. The rhythm of the sun, moon, planets, stars, seasons and even specific ages influence your life and possibly your attitude towards life. The weekly horoscopes provided here in Shore Local Newsmagazine are written based on your rising sign. These horoscopes are intended to provide insight and the cosmic connection to your lived experience. So much is written in the stars! It is my intention that these entries will assist you in deciphering what is encoded within you.
Horoscopes for
March 6-12
♈Aries: Embody your dreams by anchoring them in your mind and your heart. They must take form and be initiated within you first.
♉Taurus: Parts of yourself and others hidden from your mind and heart come into focus. Allow time for retreat and solitude with firm boundaries.
♊Gemini: What do your mind and heart want most from your group of friends? There’s a reweaving of meaning and vision, along with the interconnected relationships.
♋Cancer: Trailblazing in your career is the focus of your mind and heart. There’s a well of new courage within you waiting to be tapped.
♌Leo: A quest for knowledge, adventure and experience is pulling at your heartstrings and stimulating your mind. Dare to explore external and internal landscapes.
♍Virgo: Your mind and heart are called to review how they’re intertwined with others. This review may lead to a reshaping of your closest relationships.
♎Libra: Former lovers, friends and partners revisit and stoke the fire in your mind and heart. Reconnection could rekindle the spark or extinguish it permanently.
♏Scorpio: Physical health, work and your well-being may require some adjustments. Feel into your intuitive thoughts and your heart for guidance.
♐Sagittarius: Something deep within you wants to be expressed. Give your mind and heart the stillness necessary to connect with your inspiration.
♑Capricorn: Reconsidering the value and worth of where you call home may become bigger themes for your mind and heart. An important checkbox is the satisfaction of your basic needs.
♒Aquarius: An initiation of your voice and how you communicate is occurring. A new sense of confidence emerges from speaking from your heart.
♓Pisces: Extra energetic boundaries and protection may be required as you carefully review your finances and resources. Values and self-worth fill your mind and heart with a new spark.
Weekly astrology summary:
Messenger Mercury and brazen Venus connect this week in Aries (March 11). I covered the themes of the current Venus retrograde in last week’s Cosmic Connection. As Mercury and Venus come together, our personal and collective attention will be influenced by the merging of their energies. Focus will become redirected to whether our minds and thoughts are in alignment with our hearts. The themes that emerge will carry forward into the rest of March as Mercury’s retrograde will begin mid-month. Finances, markets and their value are potential areas of interest. See the above horoscope for your rising sign for more specific information. If you’re unsure what your rising sign is, you can learn more in my info/tutorial video on my Ursa Alchemy YouTube channel or cast your own birth chart for free on