The Cosmic Connection
with Ursula Duffy

Horoscopes for
Aug. 29 – Sept. 4

Aries: When life gets busy, daily routines that improve health and vitality can be put on the back burner. Recommit to your wellness and get back into that groove.

Taurus: It’s a good week to remember the sensual experience of life and what brings you joy and pleasure. There’s a clean slate for restarting or beginning a new creative project.

Gemini: How can you feel more at home in your physical space and in your body? Focusing on these themes this week can infuse new momentum into your answers to the question.

Cancer: Your word is your wand. Set intentions around new ways to communicate and speak up for yourself. Then, watch as your words take form.

Leo: Seeing yourself in a different way can rekindle your self-esteem and open new doors. Pursue opportunities that have been revealed to you, especially those that increase earnings.

Virgo: Being in the present moment is an everyday challenge. Think about ways to be and stay present. Presence can also help quiet the mind and a harsh inner critic.

Libra: Consider how your mental state influences your overall sense of harmony and balance. It’s a good week to implement practices that promote rest and instill peace of mind.

Scorpio: Perception and emotion are key to feeling through change. A practical approach to seeing the bigger picture may be beneficial to navigating the adjustments.

Sagittarius: Considering a career or job change? It’s a good week to begin taking action and getting clear on what you really want. Be open to a location change if necessary.

Capricorn: Dreams and visions take form with solid intentions. The final phase of your rebirth is afoot. Aim high, be bold and enjoy the climb.

Aquarius: Allow hidden parts of yourself to be seen. Personal transformation is often accompanied by self-discovery and bringing the depths out into the light.

Pisces: Longing for a new partner or friend can be satisfied with intent. Holding the vision of qualities desired begins the process of co-creation and manifestation.

Weekly Summary:

September kicks off with oomph! A particular area of life for us all has undergone a deep transformation since 2008. The final chapter of that story will be written beginning on Sept. 1 and continuing into November. A creatively practical Virgo new moon grounds the energies on Monday, Sept. 2 (9:55 p.m.), which is also Labor Day. Enjoy the holiday weekend by taking time off, extra rest and moments of present reflection. This month’s new moon also kicks off the second eclipse season of this year. There’ll be more to come about that in the following weeks. See the above horoscope for your rising sign for more specific information. If you’re unsure what your rising sign is, you can learn more in my info/tutorial video on our Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel or cast your own birth chart for free on

Ursula Duffy is a Professional Astrologer, founder of Ursa Alchemy and founding partner/Goddess of Operations (GOO) of Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Atlantic City, NJ. Find her services, teachings, podcast, get in touch and more at


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