The Cosmic Connection
By Ursula Duffy

Horoscopes for Jan. 3 – 8

Aries: What’s the status of your home? This includes the physical structure, the inside environment, your vessel and your foundation/roots. Issues may begin calling back your attention.

Taurus: Are you listening to your intuition? Nonverbal communication and feelings are often subtle, yet powerful. The energetic connection to yourself and your family may begin nudging you again, especially messages previously ignored.

Gemini: How do you feel about your resources? Changes involving redirecting money, belongings and/or your time may be necessary. Consider redistribution of income earned from your work as well.

Cancer: Are you feeling good about your body and your health? If not, consider what happens when water is stagnant. The movement and flow of your body, emotions and getting your blood pumping are essential to your vitality.

Leo: Has the previously hidden begun to be revealed? Parts of yourself and/or others with whom you’ve shared and trusted intimately that were blind spots are coming out of the shadows. Knowledge is power, and boundaries are important.

Virgo: Are you reimagining your hopes and dreams? Another period of going within is upon you. Less time socially and on the socials will create the container you need to incubate and determine what and whom you truly desire.

Libra: Have you been experiencing a little restlessness? Change is in the air and themes that began developing in early October regarding your job/career are resurfacing. The meaning of the adage “if the shoe fits” is important to remember at this time.

Scorpio: Did you take a break from higher learning and travel? If not, or not yet, be sure to take action soon. Refueling shorter-term endeavors and your creative process require your efforts and energy most for the next few months.

Sagittarius: How has your perspective about yourself shifted? Focus on energetic and contractual intertwinements is returning. Carefully reconsider and potentially sever ties to what’s no longer serving you.

Capricorn: Have you taken stock of your closest relationships? It’s time to wield your sword and your shield wisely. Excise those that don’t support and nurture you, are energy vampires and/or are unaccepting of your authenticity.

Aquarius: How are your energy levels? A period of slowing down to focus on your health, wellness and routines has arrived. Don’t push yourself beyond your limits or engage in risky activities. Do address any health concerns that resurface and require attention.

Pisces: Are you feeling frustrated with your creations? Creations in terms of creative projects or children can be a source of aggravation. Keep your cool, honor your emotions and allow any agitations to ultimately become a source of inspiration.

Weekly Astrology Summary:

The current Mars retrograde began on Dec. 6 in the zodiac sign Leo and is now retracing the zodiac back into the sign Cancer. The themes of Mars cloaked in the shell of the crab are much different than the heart-centered, creative roar of Mars as the lion. We received a preview of the Cancerian themes back in early October, and the resurfacing of these themes is what we’re experiencing personally and collectively from Jan. 6 to Feb. 23 and beyond. We may feel more strongly about protecting ourselves, our families and our resources. We also may be required to act or make plans. As mentioned previously, tempers and emotions can become even more amplified during this time. It’s up to us to be mindful of our actions and feelings, and to respond with maturity, tact and extra effort in peaceful resolutions. Taking the high road rather than devolving into a temper tantrum will be an important decision in challenging moments and situations. Mars retrogrades can feel like initiation periods in our lives, can reveal hidden enemies, or frenemies, and show where action needs to be taken. The inquiries at the beginning of each horoscope are a throwback to the week of Oct. 3 and important for reflection. The Cosmic Connection activity below will offer additional insight. See the above horoscope for your rising sign for more specific information. If you’re unsure what your rising sign is, you can learn more in my info/tutorial video on the Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel, or cast your own birth chart for free on

Remember that Mars is bigger and brighter than usual during this time, and this month we’ll experience the peak of the retrograde. Look to the east earlier and earlier after sunset to spot Mars.

Cosmic Connection Activity:

The Cosmic Connection offers guidance for the energies moving forward, but also content for reflection. We can now look back to the weekly horoscopes/astrology summary for the week of Oct. 3, when the Mars retrograde themes began to surface, and recognize what’s now resurfacing and what will require action. Hopefully, this activity challenge provides another layer of guidance in navigating potentially challenging situations. You can find the Cosmic Connection for Oct. 3 – 9 online at by searching for “horoscopes Oct. 3”. I’d love to hear about your Cosmic Connections! Email me at

Ursula Duffy is a Professional Astrologer, founder of Ursa Alchemy and founding partner/Goddess of Operations (GOO) of Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Atlantic City, NJ. Find her services, teachings, podcast, get in touch and more at
