The Cosmic Connection
By Ursula Duffy

Horoscopes for Dec. 19 – 25

Aries: Striking a balance between yourself, your relationships and work may feel more challenging than usual this week. Give yourself nurturing time at home with family, enjoying delicious meals and each other’s company.

Taurus: If travel is on the horizon, a little extra recovery time may be needed. Be sure to schedule buffers for solitude, rest and time with whom you feel comfortable expressing and communicating your feelings. This is especially important if there’s tension at home.

Gemini: Creating a sense of security in your resources can help ease any tension or uncertainty you may be experiencing. The interplay between your personal growth and restrictions at work is highlighted again this week.

Cancer: A close friend or partner may present a bump in the road to your career goals. Avoiding conflict won’t serve you. Remember that your goals and dreams are just as important as the needs of others. Putting yourself first will pay off.

Leo: Discovering new ways to be of service can satisfy the desire to feel needed. It can be as simple as offering everyone you encounter more smiles. This can also mean volunteering or engaging in charitable activities.

Virgo: Your creations have worth and merit, whether they’re simply creations or have monetary value. Remain devoted to your craft and your vision, even if you are receiving resistance or doubts from friends and loved ones.

Libra: Immersing yourself solely in the company of others who truly understand you and adore you for your authenticity is perfectly OK. Your comfort zone this week may even be at work, where feelings of ease can come from being in a routine.

Scorpio: A situation may arise in which you’ll be required to put new knowledge into practice. Information from inner knowledge is just as important as concrete evidence. Trust your intuition and deliver the message.

Sagittarius: Forge ahead in the co-creation of your own destiny. Every outer journey is met by an equally important inner journey. Wield the tools and resources already available and aim high.

Capricorn: Pressures are mounting this week, but the weight of the world will only rest on your shoulders if you allow it. Relief comes in the form of a rejuvenating date with a bestie or partner, especially someone with whom you can express your emotions.

Aquarius: Channel your creative flow into something new this week. A new form of written or spoken art, poetry, prose or even journaling can deepen the connection to your inspiration. You may discover a welcome addition to your daily routine.

Pisces: Finders keepers? Another’s loss may be your gain. However, the things kept should truly add value. If not, offer gratitude for the opportunity and what you gained from the experience.

Weekly astrology summary:

A big sigh of relief may come in the wake of the full moon and last week’s energies. The final Mercury retrograde and full moon of 2024 are behind us, as well as the weeklong concurrent Mercury and Mars retrogrades. Some forward momentum will be regained as steps are retraced and the lessons, new ideas and perspectives settle into our awareness. Tension remains, although the underlying energies are different.

It’s wise to embody the meaning of the solstice, which is when the sun stands still. The winter solstice arrives here in South Jersey on Saturday, Dec. 21. As the sun shifts into Capricorn, and the winter season officially begins, we’ll feel a collective challenge to continue recognizing the power of pausing and checking in with ourselves. Have we allowed ourselves to move forward into who we truly are and achieve greater independence, or are we still stagnant in old patterns of dependence on others and peacekeeping? The challenge between expansion and contraction is also present. These will be two prominent themes in the week ahead.

See the above horoscope for your rising sign for more specific information. If you’re unsure what your rising sign is, you can learn more in my tutorial video on our Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel, or cast your own birth chart for free on

Cosmic Connection Activity: The Cosmic Connection offers guidance in the energies moving forward, but also content for reflection. We can now look back to the weekly horoscopes/astrology summary for the week of June 6, which was when the new moon in Gemini occurred, and see what manifested in our lives under the full moon in Gemini. Hopefully, this activity challenge piques your curiosity! You can find the Cosmic Connection for June 6- 12 online at by searching for “horoscopes June 6”. I’d love to hear about your Cosmic Connections! Email me at

Ursula Duffy is a Professional Astrologer, founder of Ursa Alchemy and founding partner/Goddess of Operations (GOO) of Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Atlantic City, NJ. Find her services, teachings, podcast, get in touch and more at
