We Need Leadership NOW!

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Jeff’s Journal
By Jeff Whitaker

What is missing in today’s leadership development and training? Last week I told you about an article in the Harvard Business Review. The authors of the article believe that a lot of methods of leadership training brought into companies by consultants today are really outdated and ineffective. And I tend to agree.

If you look at a lot of what is taught, it’s theory and more management practices and one size fits all style of learning. What the authors argue for is something they call PLC or personal learning cloud. And PLC is made up of four characteristics. The first is that learning needs to be personalized. In other words, it’s not a one size fits all for a company or even individual leaders within that company. It’s the realization that everyone has a different learning style. The Second is that learning is socialized. Learning happens best when learners collaborate and help one another. When I work with teams in leadership development, I make sure there is plenty of time for open discussion and feedback on the material we cover. I also recommend holding regular discussions to learn from one another. Interaction is key to growing individually and as a team when it comes to leadership. There are two other ways this article addresses leadership development. The third characteristic of PLC is that learning is contextualized. Professional development on the job is crucial to making the maximum impact with leaders. Leaders or potential leaders need to learn in a workplace setting with information, concepts and tools they can pick up and actually apply right away. Finally, learning outcomes need to be transparently tracked and in some cases authenticated. In other words, leaders need to concentrate on more specialized areas of expertise not just gaining generalized degrees and certifications. Individual skills and training need to be pursued and companies need to be able to experience real, positive outcomes and change as a result.

It’s that real world, practical STUFF that has to come out of today’s training. I know the word STUFF doesn’t sound very professional or Harvard Business like but maybe that’s the point. We don’t have time today for theories and white paper analysis. Today’s leaders have to have the tools in their hands to come out of the gate full steam ahead with practical ideas and resources to hit the ground running. Leaders are desperately needed in government, the workplace, our communities and the home. The times we live in demand it.

Jeff Whitaker is a veteran broadcaster here in South Jersey..  He now draws on his experience and training to work with companies and individuals to develop effective storytelling, communications and leadership skills. Find free resources and ways Jeff can work with you at jeffwhitaker.com
