Picking the Best Produce

How to Pick Corn That’s Super Sweet

First, check the husk. It should be nice and bright green. It shouldn’t be dry, leaves should be soft, pliable and slightly moist.

Next check those thin strings at the top of the corn. They should be golden or light brown and sticky, not black. Also they should look fresh, not wilted or dry.

Lastly, peel back the husk a bit to check the corn. It should be filled to the top and full and plump throughout.

How to pick the perfect Watermelon

Pick a melon that has a strong, consistent stripe pattern.  You may want to choose a dull looking watermelon. If the melon is very shiny, it is likely to be underripe. Always look for the yellow spot. If it has a very small spot or no spot, walk away. Watermelons develop a yellow spot where they lie on the ground. When this is creamy yellow, it’s ripe.  Lastly, tap the watermelon. A ripe one will have a deep hollow sound, which means it is at the peak of its ripeness.

How to find the most luscious Peach 

Look for firm peaches with a pleasant aroma.

Though you’ll probably want to enjoy your peach once it has softened slightly, firmness is a good indicator of a freshly picked peach. When picking peaches out of the bulk display at the store, search for firm fruits that are free of bruises. Examine the color. Peaches shouldn’t have more than a little bit of green and there should be a consistent blush coloring everywhere. Notice if there is light speckling on a peach. If so, it will be a sweeter peach. Although there are many different varieties of peaches,  these indicators hold true for all.
