Van Drew slams offshore wind after Nantucket accident

Congressman Van Drew released the following statement in response to a recent accident off the coast of Nantucket, where a wind turbine blade fell into the water, shattered, and scattered debris along their beaches.

“The Nantucket environmental disaster should serve as a wake-up call to anyone still considering offshore wind as a viable option for our shores,” said Van Drew. “We are watching in real-time the devastating toll of offshore wind and how it will affect our communities. These turbines contain hazardous lubricants and chemicals that could leak into our beautiful ocean waters, threatening marine life and coastal ecosystems. Imagine the aftermath of a storm like Superstorm Sandy, tearing apart these turbines and spreading their toxic contents and jagged fiberglass across our shores—an environmental disaster waiting to happen. Yet despite these glaring risks, the Biden Administration and Governor Murphy seem determined to turn our oceans into dumping grounds for dangerous offshore debris. These reckless projects must be halted immediately.”

Damaged wind turbine


The federal government ordered Vineyard Wind, the operator of the wind farm, to suspend operations after a wind turbine blade, equivalent in length to a football field, broke apart, scattered into pieces, and fell into the water. This incident has led to beach closures as thousands of dangerous fiberglass fragments wash ashore, posing a serious threat to both maritime navigation and local marine life.
