This week’s horoscopes

The Cosmic Connection
with Ursula Duffy

Horoscopes for
July 25 – July 31

♈Aries: Playfulness, joy and simple pleasures are on the tap for you this week. Do something you loved to do when you were a child. Inner happiness reflects outwardly as a better version of you every day.

♉Taurus: Your dreams reveal subtle information about hidden parts of yourself. Embrace, integrate and appreciate all parts, even if it feels uncomfortable. The homecoming is within your own heart.

♊Gemini: Choose your words wisely, especially in moments of hot temper. Bridges can be burned in an instant. Sometimes, no response is the best response of all.

♋Cancer: High fives and pats on the back may finally be awarded. Feelings of achievement and success are well-deserved. Celebrate the boost to your self-esteem and resources.

♌Leo: Radiance and confidence are beckoning to be embodied. Glow in the light and shine like the sun. Your potential soars even more with every step into your authenticity.

♍Virgo: The power of your light may be a blind spot. Continuing the dance out of the shadows shows your light to others and to yourself. Muscle memory is created with routine practice.

♎Libra: Achieving a higher perspective goes hand in hand with having a positive outlook on your future. Both require a balance between adjusting to change and moving ahead. Be fair with yourself while finding the equilibrium.

♏Scorpio: It’s a week to roar in a more public display of your creativity. A challenge to a close relationship may accompany your self-expression. Don’t let it stop you! It’s time to shine.

♐Sagittarius: Have fun with activities and practices that deepen your philosophy and expand your consciousness, even if they’re accompanied by a minor change in your day-to-day life. Savor the pleasure of an uplifting experience!

♑Capricorn: Your inner magic is one of your greatest assets, yet perhaps one of your best-kept secrets. When a creation infused with your magic takes physical form, you allow yourself to be seen.

♒Aquarius: Tension may arise between close relationships and private matters. Having open lines of communication and speaking truthfully from the heart can lead to favorable resolutions.

♓Pisces: Energy flows where attention goes. Pay attention to the direct connection between your daily practices and your sense of self-worth. Minor adjustments may create even better well-being.

Weekly summary:

We are now in the midst of a radiant, bold, creative Leo season. As we close out the month of July, the element of fire is highlighted, and authentic self-expression is key to keeping momentum going on the path forward. We all may experience a bump in the road this week due to integrating and fully processing whatever surfaced during last weekend’s potent full moon (July 21). Keep pushing ahead even if you’re feeling stuck!

See the above horoscope for your rising sign for more specific information. If you’re unsure what your rising sign is, you can learn more in my info/tutorial video on our Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel or cast your own birth chart for free on

Ursula Duffy is a Professional Astrologer, founder of Ursa Alchemy and founding partner/Goddess of Operations (GOO) of Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Atlantic City, NJ. Find her services, teachings, podcast, get in touch and more at
