The joys of home ownership

Real Estate Matters
By Elisa Jo Eagan

As it is now going into Labor Day weekend we savor what’s left of summer. We soak up our remaining times outside in the sunshine – the surf, the beach, the boardwalk and the fun. We cling to what’s left of vacation, and we celebrate life with family, loved ones and friends.

Refreshing and renewing ourselves, we turn the page to a new season in September. We send our students back to college, shop for school supplies and pick out new clothes for the first days of a new school year for our children and grandchildren. Where is this year’s bus stop? Who is this year’s teacher?

We are getting more organized, back into a daily routine, back to getting up earlier and back to more focus in our work, all the while appreciating the importance of our own home. Our home is our safe haven, the nucleus of our life and family. It is the center where we create each day’s quality of life and share it with those we love and care about.

There are so many factors in the home equation: the location we chose, the city and community we belong to, contribute to and live in. There are the schools that educate our children, the neighborhoods we live in and the family, friends and neighbors we live close to.

The convenience of shopping, restaurants, public transportation, the distance to our work and proximity to our extracurricular activities, parks and recreation all factor into our quality of life. All of these considerations come into making the housing choice that is best for you – one that is affordable, sustainable, comfortable and enjoyable for each member of the household and family.

There is so much to enjoy in home ownership. It has many benefits, creating financial stability for the homeowner. With extremely high rent costs, having a mortgage payment with a fixed rate is a way to build wealth and equity over time.

The mortgage payment interest is tax-deductible, as well as payments for property taxes, maintenance and improvements to your home. Check out the savings and deductions with your tax preparer; you will be delightfully surprised. When investing in your home, you are investing in you, your family and your legacy.

Daily life is so much sweeter and more enjoyable with the simple pleasures of home ownership; the fruits of your labor. Sitting and relaxing on your own front porch, watching the world go by, enjoying the sunrises and sunsets. There’s something about looking out of your own picture window and seeing a family of deer, or the beautiful variety of birds, squirrels and wildlife playing in your own backyard.

The foliage of each of the changing seasons, the leaves on the trees and blossoms on the flowers are so much more satisfying when it is on your property. Having and growing your own vegetable garden and then cooking and preparing delicious meals in your own kitchen is an experience not to be taken for granted. There is nothing better than watching your favorite team on the family room TV and cheering them on with friends and family in your own home.

It’s satisfying to see the snow make your home prettier than a Currier and Ives winter scene, while you are cozy inside enjoying a good restful night’s sleep in your own comfy bedroom, with each family member having their own bedroom and personal space to make their own. It’s reassuring to have an attic and garage for storage and a place for your automobile. A craft, hobby or sewing room and a workshop for your tools, lawn mower and gardening equipment are nice, too.

There is so much joy in home ownership.

Home ownership joys take many forms, from a long refreshing shower or a soothing bath in your own luxury tub, to inviting and sharing Thanksgiving dinner in your own dining room with family and friends, or watching and enjoying time with your children and grandchildren in your own pool and swinging on the swings in your backyard.

You have a lovely, comfortably air-conditioned and warm space all to yourself. You can cozy up to the fireplace with a loved one, your fur baby or just listen to music or quietly enjoy reading a good book, or the latest edition of Shore Local Newsmagazine.

There is nothing like owning your own home.

For real estate information and advice, contact Elisa Jo Eagan, the “Real Estate Godmother,” at 609-703-0432. Learn more at

For More Real Estate Questions, Information and Advice Contact Elisa Jo Eagan “The Real Estate Godmother” (609)703-0432 and Remember…”There’s No Place Like Owning Your Own Home!”


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