Start with yourself: looking to Jimmy Carter for advice on pre-inauguration anxiety

By Jeff Whitaker

As our country prepares for a new administration in Washington later this month, everyone has an opinion as to what it means. For many, there is a feeling of optimism and enthusiasm. For others, fear and concern. As with any change, there are knowns and unknowns.

If there is one concept I think those on both sides of the political spectrum can agree on, it is this: There is a feeling that so much of what is happening around us is out of our control. And let’s face it, who doesn’t want to be in control?

Call it being anxious, discontent, on edge, fearful, hopeless or uncertain. However you describe it, if you’re like me, you see reasons for unease all around you. Every day, we are bombarded with discouraging news from somewhere in the world. That can be overwhelming. And almost all of it is out of our control.

So here is my challenge for all of us: Let’s not dwell on the things we can’t change. Instead, focus on the things we can. Let’s not constantly think about what we can’t achieve, but rather what we can do. I look around me and see so much need, so many issues that have to be addressed and problems that need to be solved. It can be overwhelming, to say the least. However, each of us can play a role in making our world better. While any steps we take as individuals can seem small, the ripples can be great.

As flags around our country fly at half-staff to honor the life of President Jimmy Carter, it’s fitting to remember what he said about what he felt was his responsibility in life. The former President said, “My faith demands – this is not optional – my faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I can, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference.”

At a time when so much in our world is out of our control, let’s focus on the one thing that we can control: ourselves. Real change starts with an individual, not a group or organization. That principle applies to just about every aspect of our lives. You want to see change? You want to make an impact? Work on yourself first.

If you are married, you are responsible to your spouse. If you have children, you are responsible to your children. But the number one person you are responsible for is you!

Make no mistake. It takes effort. Ask any leader. If he or she is honest, they will tell you that the hardest person in the world to lead is themselves.

It starts with each one of us making a commitment to be the change we want to see. January is always the traditional time to set goals for the year ahead. We touched on that last week. Why not start with the number one goal of setting yourself on the path to improvement and growth? Then, watch your progress and achievement affect those around you.

There are things all around us that we have little or no control over, but there are so many other things we can control and affect. Start with yourself as you move into this new year. President Carter also said, “We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles.” I’d say that’s a pretty good place to start.
