Showboat Is Decked Out for the Season and Ready for Santa

Santa & his magic mailbox at Lucky Snake Arcade every weekend in December

Showboat is ready for Santa and the holidays with multiple Christmas trees decorated with thousands of beautiful ornaments and lights!  The Jolly Mr. Claus comes to the Showboat Friday, December 3, 10, and 17 between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. and on Saturday, December 4, 11, and 18 between noon and 2 p.m.  A photographer will be on hand to take photos, which will be available through a link provided to parents at the time of photos.  Parents are also encouraged to take photos with their own personal devices. 

In the spirit of giving, Showboat is donating $5 to The Sunshine Foundation for every letter dropped in Santa’s magic mailbox, which is located at the Lucky Snake Arcade entrance.  Each child who participates will receive a $5 play card to the arcade.  Kids of all ages can enjoy everything from the Virtual Reality Roller Coaster Storm to playing vintage and modern day Pinball in the largest arcade on the East Coast. 

For more information about this or any other Showboat events, visit
