Residents, staff perform at Seashore Gardens Got Talent 

Residents, staff members, and special visitors sang, danced, and showcased their comic skills at Seashore Gardens Got Talent on July 30. This annual event provided everyone with the opportunity to perform and display their unique talents.

Board member and former executive director Janice Cambron entertained the audience with her rendition of “I’m Going to Wash that Man Right Outa My Hair” from South Pacific. Karen from the recreation staff delivered stand-up comedy with help from her son, who highlighted the punch lines with a drum roll. Melissa from Human Resources and her dog Oscar performed Bad to the Bone. A resident captivated the crowd by singing a song entirely in Italian. Additionally, each neighborhood within Seashore Gardens participated by performing songs such as The Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of SummerDay-O, and Take Me Out to the Ballgame.

Seashore Gardens Foundation is a trusted nonprofit leader in promoting and enhancing services and programs for the elderly. Its mission is to enrich the quality of life for the aged in southern New Jersey, guided by the Jewish tradition of caring and charity, and adapting to an ever-changing environment. For more information about the Seashore Gardens Foundation, contact Erin Luurtsema at (609) 404-4848 or

