Remembering Those Who Perished 

Tomorrow, September 11th at 10am the  Saracini-O’Neill 9/11 Ceremony will occur at Jackson Avenue and the Boardwalk in  Atlantic City, NJ. 

The Saracini-O’Neill Atlantic City 9/11 Memorial Ceremony will include the Sandpipers Pipes & Drums of Atlantic County providing music and traditional  patriotic songs, a 40 ton – patriotic themed sand sculpture by world renowned artist  John Gowdy, Last Salute’s three round Civil War Cannon volley, and Last Salute’s  memorial flag presentation. 

The memorial is named after Victor Saracini and John O’Neill who both perished on  September 11th and were both Atlantic City natives. Victor Saracini was the captain  of hijacked Flight 175 which was flown into the World Trade Center. John O’Neill  was a retired FBI agent and the Director of Security of the World Trade Center on  September 11th

For additional information on the news that is the subject of this release, contact  Bob Pantalena or visit 




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