A Look Back
By Fred Miller
June 28, 1929, was the fifth and final day of the 8th annual National Marbles Tournament held a the Flanders Hotel. It was the first time the event was held in Ocean City. It started in 1922 by the Scripps Howard newspaper chain as the nationwide contest for young people. The first eight tournaments were held in Atlantic City.

J. Howard Slocum, president and manager of the Flanders was looking for a way to attract national attention for his hotel and he believed the National Marbles Tournament was what he needed. He did some tough campaigning to win the 1929 event away from Atlantic City.
Newspapers all across the country ran articles under the headline, “Who will win the Marble Championship and a Free Trip to Ocean City, New Jersey.” Games were held in grade schools around the country to determine area champions. The winners converge in Ocean City for the finals to be held from June 24 to the 28.
It was a huge success and J. Howard Slocum was very happy with the national publicity the beachfront hotel received.
Two articles on the front page of the July 3, 1929, Ocean City Daily told of the success of the Flanders Hotel: “MIBS TOURNEY WINS PRAISE” and “3 NEW POOLS OPEN JULY 4 AT FLANDERS.