My predictions for the 2024 elections

By Bill Quain

It’s impossible to write a weekly column and not comment on the 2024 elections. I’m really performing a civic duty by sharing my predictions with you. Of course, I am writing this column on Nov. 9, five days after the elections, so my main predictions are a little late. You may think I’m cheating, and you’d be right about that! But I’m also going to make some predictions about things that haven’t happened yet, so keep on reading.


I wanted to be a futurist

Many years ago, I attended a convention where the opening speaker was a Futurist. He was excellent! There must have been 5,000 people in the audience. We all sat there, with great anticipation, while the speaker shared his predictions. He was so confident! He had charts, graphs, and lots of data. I don’t remember a single thing he said, but I do remember that I absolutely believed he was 100% correct.

So, this is my opportunity to realize my “Futurist” dreams come true. Ironically, I never saw this coming!


Before I predict,
let’s go back

I’m going to make a prediction about the Electoral College in 2024. Now, many people know very little about the Electoral College, so let me catch you up. In the United States, the President is elected by the number of Electoral College votes he/she receives. The Electoral College consists of 538 Electors. To win the Presidency, a candidate needs a majority, or at least 270 Electors. BTW, your state has the same number of Electors as it has Members of Congress, plus two for the Senators.

It is important to note that while many other countries copied our Constitution and our style of government, not a single country ever copied our Electoral College system. I’m thinking they may have made a wise decision.


Now, here are my 2024 predictions

Predictions about things that have already happened:

  1. Donald Trump will be the winner of both the popular vote and the Electoral College vote. There, I said it. If anyone thinks this prediction is incorrect, please contact me at NOTE: Please state your prediction, with some supporting rationale. Who knows… if you present a valid argument, maybe I’ll change my mind. But for right now, I’m sticking with my prediction.
  2. In South Jersey news, I predict that Congressman Jeff Van Drew will be re-elected. Again, opposing opinions/predictions are welcome, but I’m going to stick with this prediction.

Okay, those first two predictions are in, but because I am making them on November 9th, I’m pretty confident! So now, how about some more risky, but probable predictions?


My futurist predictions:

  1. There will be 200-plus incidents of Thanksgiving Day tables being kicked over due to the political views of an uncle that nobody wanted to invite anyway. As you’ll surely note, I didn’t give an exact number. Instead, I’m calling on my casino background, and making this an “over/under” bet. You can send me an email with your choice. No money will be involved. This is simply a bet for pride. Why? Because some people may have “Insider Information” about their families, and can specifically identify the uncle most likely to get the political argument started.
  2. By the Presidential Elections of 2044, 20 years from now, no more than two dozen people will understand how the Electoral College works. NOTE : This is up considerably from the number of people who understood it this year! I just explained it to you, and I don’t understand it myself.
  3. No matter how much technology advances, the States of Arizona and Nevada will still not have their votes counted until at least 2 weeks after the 2044 election. (Again, this will be a considerable improvement, as both States are not expected to have their 2024 results posted until next Memorial Day.)
  4. For the foreseeable future, the sun will continue to rise and set on the U.S. – the world’s best country – a place filled with wonderful people, from every political viewpoint. In other words, despite predictions from both parties, Democracy, however imperfect, will survive! I’m proud and happy to share this Nation – especially South Jersey – with all of the readers who like my column, and even with the four people who do not!


Here’s a final over/
under prediction

I predict that 20 readers will email me after this week’s column. This is another “over/under” bet on my part. So if you want me to win my prediction, shoot me an email. If you don’t want me to win, don’t write!

And just like that crazy county in Arizona, where the votes are still being counted (despite the fact that less than a thousand people live there), I might take several weeks to actually count the votes and report – especially if there are less than 20.

So here’s hoping that your Thanksgiving table doesn’t get kicked over this (or any) year. Shoot me an email to Check out my website, . And as I say each week, I’ll see ya in the papers!

Bill is a Professor in Stockton University’s Hospitality Management Program. He is the author of 27 books, and a highly-respected speaker.  Even though he is almost totally blind, Bill is a long-distance runner and runs the Ocean City Half Marathon each year.  He lives in Ocean City with his wife Jeanne, and his Guide Dog Trudy.  Visit or email him at
