By Jeff Whitaker

We are approaching, without a doubt, what will be a significant week for our country. On the same day that we mark a change in administrations in Washington, we pause to recognize the life and lasting contributions of a man who led the way toward breaking down racial barriers and inequality over half a century ago. It is interesting to note that both Donald Trump and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. have and had a polarizing effect on people. Their perspectives and views on issues facing our country unite some and divide others. But, as with most matters, time and historical perspective is the ultimate judge of someone’s lasting contributions.

As we look back at the contributions of Dr. King, there are many lessons to be learned. One of them is this: The time is always right to do what is right. That’s a simple statement but pretty profound. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said that. Dr. King said a lot of things. But here is the key not to miss: He didn’t just say something. He actually did something.

This coming week, we celebrate what Dr. King did and the changes he led and inspired. Now here is a question for all of us: What is the “right thing” we need to be doing?

Because I’m sure you realize this and if you don’t, I’m going to let you in on something: I write about advancing your career, moving forward at work and becoming a success. But you know what? That’s not what life is really all about.

You and I are here on this earth for much more than earning more money, advancing our careers or aspiring to a title. Success is great, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a success in any area of our lives. However, beyond success, is significance. Success lasts for a season. Significance can extend beyond our lifetime.

Dr. King achieved success, that is for sure. But much more than that, Dr. King achieved significance and we are all reaping the benefits of his sacrifices today. When I told my youngest daughter I was going to write about Dr. King, she said how glad she was for what he did. Otherwise, she said that we wouldn’t be able to live the way we live today. She gets it. She understands.

So, what about you? What is the “right thing” you need to be doing to make a difference in this world? You may say you don’t know where to start. My advice to you can be found in another quote attributed to Dr. King. He said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Dr. King did not see the entire staircase he was climbing nor could he know the price he would pay to climb those steps. All he knew was how to be obedient to his calling to take one step at a time.

Take the first step. You may think that sounds good, but you don’t know where to take that step. I’m a firm believer that there are needs all around us, but too often we don’t take the time to see them. We are so busy, so consumed with things that don’t really matter, that we often overlook the things that do.

Here is the encouragement I want to share: Each one of us has a world of influence unique to us. You can have talents and gifts that others don’t. You have the ability to reach others that I could never reach.

So, let’s take a lesson from Dr. King. Move from a goal of success to one of significance. Remember that the time is always right to do what is right, one step at a time.

Jeff Whitaker is a veteran broadcaster here in South Jersey. He now draws on his experience and training to work with companies and individuals to develop effective storytelling, communications and leadership skills. Find free resources and ways Jeff can work with you at
