Last Days of Summer: Savoring Simple Joys

From the Editor

As summer draws to a close and the days grow shorter, there’s a bittersweet awareness that our sun-soaked moments are numbered. Like many, I’m reluctant to put away the beach chairs and let go of the warmth that has embraced us. The Shore in late summer holds a timeless charm—a place where we can still savor a few more golden hours before the calendar turns.

As small business owners in a tourist town, summer is an incredibly busy time for us. To be honest, most of our summer has been spent working. But recently, we experienced an impromptu evening that became the highlight of our season.

On a Monday evening, we decided to go kayaking on Bargaintown Lake, just a short drive from home. As we paddled, two beautiful swans approached our kayaks, closer than I had ever been to such creatures. We sat in silence, holding our oars steady, not wanting to disturb them. The sky was streaked with orange and pink, and the air carried the scent of wildflowers and brackish water. I felt a deep sense of awe for this picturesque scene so close to home.

I instinctively reached for my camera, only to realize I had left it in the car. Frustration briefly welled up—how could I not capture this moment to share online? But that frustration quickly gave way to peace as I had an epiphany: not every beautiful moment needs to be shared. Some are meant to be cherished in our hearts and minds alone. So, I did what my mother and grandmother before me would have done—I smiled, took a deep breath, and absorbed the scene.

When we returned to shore, we went to a nearby ice-cream stand, a simple pleasure that is rare for us. Under the glow of string lights and neon signs, we tasted each other’s treats and reveled in the joy of a spontaneous summer evening. It was my favorite day of the summer.

Our outing wasn’t extravagant or expensive. It required little planning or cost. What made it special was being present and appreciating the beauty around us.

As summer packs its bags and prepares to leave, don’t despair. Unforeseen joys, like our evening on the lake, serve as a reminder that life is beautiful in every season.

Peace & Love,


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