Indie music scene comes alive at the Jersey Shore this weekend

Tune In, Turn On
By Doug Deutsch

It’s why we do what we do – the joy of discovering new music, often unexpected, being performed by young, fresh new talent, regardless of the genre.

Such was the case last Sunday when yours truly and a few dozen lucky souls were treated to two textbook sets of the blues, originals and covers, by a relatively new arrival on the South Jersey music landscape, Twisted Livin’, and their talented young guitar player, Denny Shiffler.

“I knew I wanted to play in a band ever since I started playing the guitar; it was always a dream of mine to become a rock star,” Shiffler, 21, told us by phone earlier this week.

He recalled the moment he knew he wanted to pursue a music career.

“I would say the exact moment was when I saw Jeff Beck perform The Beatles song, ‘A Day In The Life,’ on TV. I would sit in front of the television as a kid and try to emulate what he was doing – truly something special.”

When asked why he chose to become a blues musician (not an easy road to pursue in the blues-challenged South Jersey area), the soft-spoken Shiffler described his inspiration.

“I love Stevie Ray Vaughan, Otis Rush, Albert King, and B.B. King. Our bass player (Will Keiter, 21) loves Tommy Shannon, Billy Cox, and saxophone player Charlie Parker; and our drummer (Bob Irwin) loves John Bonham, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and countless others. He has a wide variety of music that he digs, as we all do.”

What do Shiffler and his young band-mates hope to accomplish both musically and career-wise?

“There is no limit,” said Shiffler, who’s the textbook definition of an old soul if ever there was one. “I want to make it as far as no one ever dreamed of making it. I want to bring back the blues and show people how important it is to put yourself aside and truly listen and feel music, not just hear it. I want to bring back passion and expression in music. I just hope to show people that music is much more than what it seems to be right now. I want everyone to know (who) Twisted Livin’ (is). Touring the world, spreading peace, love and emotion through music.”

Twisted Livin’ will perform live locally three times this weekend: Fox Den at Linwood Country Club (Friday, Sept. 13); Villain & Saint in Ocean Casino Resort (Saturday, Sept. 14), and Rush Lounge at Golden Nugget (Saturday, Sept. 21). Visit the band’s Facebook page for more info (TL website coming soon).


Laura Jane Grace & the Mississippi Medicals/Anchor Rock Club: Folks, there’s very few venues outside of Philly-AC where you can see a genre-bending rock group such as this one. Laura Jane Grace & the Mississippi Medicals is fronted by the aforementioned vocalist Grace, (born as a male named Tom Gabel), who has become a public ally for the acceptance of trans-gendered people.

Grace is also known as the front-person of the successful indie band Against Me! which she formed in 2012 at age 17. Catch LJG and the MM this Sunday, Sept. 15 (8 p.m. start).

Also at ARC this weekend: the always-fun Ghost Mart (Friday, Sept. 13), with “haunting live performances by The Russian White and Solemn Shapes, and the always-entertaining Johnny Fones from WLFR 91.7 FM spinning alongside Mighty Mike Saga. Tickets/info:


Billy The Kid and The Regulators: Been hearing a lot of great things about this blues guitarist and his band. We’ll finally get to experience him live (and hope you can, too), with your choice of two venues: Betsy’s Backyard Concerts (Thursday, Sept. 12; message Betsy Lynn Paisley on Facebook for details); and at Tennessee Avenue Beer Hall in Atlantic City Friday, Sept. 13 (8 p.m.-ish) $20.

The latter is also Jeff Caraway’s birthday bash. Caraway will open the show, performing solo). “Billy (real name: Billy Evanochko) writes his life into lyrics and the music takes over,” says promoter Paisley, a longtime BTK fan. “The (Regulators) are an extraordinary band.”

His manager, Steve Hill, who owns MediaForce Management, told us, “Billy was the first artist to join MediaForce Management. He’s my longest-standing client and continues to amaze me day after day with his incredible guitar skills and his ability to drive his band.

“We’ll see continued touring into the Southern part of the United States this year and in the beginning of 2025 with ventures into the Midwest and West Coast later next year as he delivers his unique style of blues rock to fans across the country.”;

Doug is the owner/operator of Doug Deutsch Publicity Services, which since 1995 has been servicing nationally touring acts, and working record release campaigns for clients. Doug also hàs experience writing for the one time shore-based weekly publication, Whoot! He also was a team member with Chip Braymes Advertising. Doug loves bicycling and aspires to bring the Blues to  Atlantic City. He can be reached at and


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