How to stick with your fitness goals when you have no time: A guide for busy women

Empowering Women
By Rachel Guevara

As a woman balancing a busy work schedule, household responsibilities, and the demands of family life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. With the school year starting and a long list of to-dos, finding time for fitness may seem impossible. Between meetings, school drop-offs, and making dinner, exercise often becomes the first thing to get cut from your day. You may think, “I’ll get back to it once things settle down.” But let’s be honest—when does life ever settle down?

It’s important to remember that just because your schedule gets busy doesn’t mean you should quit on yourself. In fact, exercise is one of the best outlets for managing everyday pressures and staying energized. Let’s explore why fitness is essential for women juggling busy lives, and how to overcome the overwhelming feeling that there’s no time for it.


Why Quitting Isn’t the Answer

It’s easy to convince yourself to quit fitness when your schedule is full, but that’s exactly when your body and mind need it the most. Exercise helps relieve stress, improves your mood, and provides the energy needed to tackle your day. Studies show that regular exercise can reduce anxiety, help with sleep, and boost focus—all crucial elements when you’re managing a packed schedule.

The trick is not to view fitness as an “extra” task, but as a necessity that improves the quality of your life. Instead of thinking about it as one more thing on your plate, try to see exercise as time for yourself—time to refresh, reboot, and strengthen your mind and body.

So, how can you continue prioritizing your fitness, even when life gets hectic? Here are some strategies to help you manage the feeling of overwhelm and stick with your fitness goals.


  1. Make Fitness Non-Negotiable

If you’re waiting for a “perfect time” to work out, you’ll never find it. Life is full of demands, and there will always be something that tries to steal your time. The key is to make fitness a non-negotiable part of your day, just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. Block out time on your calendar for workouts, even if it’s only 20-30 minutes. By scheduling exercise like any other appointment, you’re more likely to stick to it.

If early mornings are your only window, set your alarm for 30 minutes earlier than usual. On busy workdays, fit in a lunchtime workout or a walk before dinner. The key is consistency, not perfection—any time spent moving is better than none.


  1. Start Small and Build Up

When your schedule is already overflowing, the idea of spending an hour at the gym might feel impossible. Instead, focus on shorter, more manageable sessions. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), for example, can give you a full-body workout in as little as 20 minutes. You can also break up your workout into smaller chunks throughout the day—10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes at lunch, and 10 minutes in the evening can still add up to meaningful progress.

Starting small helps build the habit of exercise without overwhelming your schedule. As you begin to feel the benefits—more energy, less stress—you might find that making time for fitness becomes easier.


  1. Get Creative with Your Routine

If getting to the gym or attending a class feels impossible, don’t abandon your fitness routine altogether—get creative. Exercise doesn’t have to mean following a strict plan at a specific time. You can find ways to move your body that fit your lifestyle. Play with your kids at the park, go for a brisk walk with the stroller, or try an online workout at home after the kids go to bed.

When you view fitness as something flexible and fun, it feels less like a burden and more like a natural part of your day. Seek out activities that you enjoy, so you look forward to moving your body.


  1. Use Exercise as a Stress Reliever, Not a Stressor

The busiest times are often when you need fitness the most. Exercise isn’t just about burning calories or building muscle; it’s a powerful way to manage stress. On days when you feel overwhelmed, rather than seeing your workout as one more thing to do, frame it as an essential tool for self-care. A quick workout can clear your mind, improve your mood, and give you the mental clarity to handle your day with confidence.


  1. Find a Supportive Community

When life gets busy, having a supportive community can make all the difference. Surrounding yourself with others who share similar goals helps keep you accountable and motivated. Whether it’s through a workout buddy, a virtual fitness group, or joining a studio like Lift & Glitz, finding people who encourage you will keep you moving even on your toughest days.


Don’t Quit on Yourself!

At the end of the day, taking care of yourself is essential to being the best version of you for your family, your career, and your health. Just because your schedule is busy doesn’t mean you have to quit on your fitness goals. By making exercise a priority, starting small, getting creative, and using fitness to manage stress, you can stay on track—even during life’s busiest seasons.

Remember, you deserve that time for yourself. Let fitness be your outlet for strength, both physically and mentally, no matter how packed your schedule becomes.

Rachel Guevara is the owner of Lift & Glitz Training Studio in Northfield, NJ. With 13 years of experience in the fitness industry, Rachel holds certifications in Personal & Group Fitness through ISSA and is a Zumba Fitness Instructor. A proud single mother of two, Rachel balances her professional and personal life with grace and determination. She earned her BA in Communications from Stockton University and resides in Northfield.


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