Horoscopes for the week of August 1 – 7

The Cosmic Connection
with Ursula Duffy

♈Aries: The source of your inner spark is highlighted this week, and for the entire month. Fuel it with intention, and reconsider what empties your tank rather than what tops it off. It’s a good time to begin a new creative project.

♉Taurus: What makes you feel at home physically and energetically are prominent themes this week, and for the entire month ahead. Review these themes carefully. Consider if moving or revamping your home could hold the potential for a better environment.

♊Gemini: Better ways to speak from your heart are on the horizon. Devote some thought this week and month to how you can communicate more effectively. Starting a new, short course of study or practice could help you.

♋Cancer: Go with the flow and feel through the relationship you have with your resources and belongings. This week’s new moon could be an opportunity to call in new energy, particularly around the connection between your resources and sense of self-worth.

♌Leo: Last week’s message carries forward into this week and all of August for you. Shining your light like the sun, enhancing the vitality of your vessel and glowing every day with your bold, creative spirit should be daily intentions.

♍Virgo: What is your relationship to your subconscious? How can intentionally focusing on cultivating this relationship broaden your perspective? That is your task for August, utilizing whatever practice or resource feels most in alignment.

♎Libra: Your connection to your tribe and how that contributes to your future are areas for rebalance this week and this month overall. Redirection and creating something new for yourself, perhaps even in a position of leadership, should be thoughtfully considered.

♏Scorpio: An inner stirring has been sparked. The stage is your job or career. The idea of a much-needed change in this space may begin to take hold of you more strongly. Trust it and explore your options with the intention of honoring what your heart wants most.

♐Sagittarius: If an itch to travel or learn something new has been building, there’s a reason for it! Set your intentions for a new adventure, and start making your plans this month. Whatever makes your heart sing the most is a good choice.

♑Capricorn: It’s time for a deeper climb into the parts of yourself you may not usually show others. Periods of self-discovery and inner work are necessary for growth on the outer journey. Take some time for yourself this month in stillness so you can receive the messages from your heart.

♒Aquarius: The current is flowing in a more social direction to spark a new relationship. Be open all month long to meeting new people who may become a partner, a close friend or simply teach you something new about yourself. A review of existing relationships may also surface.

♓Pisces: A new beginning in the way you infuse creativity into your daily life is incoming. Focus on the creation of whatever you want to call in, especially if it makes you feel wonderful and whole in body, mind and spirit.

Weekly summary:

We begin a new month this week with the potential energy of the new moon in Leo as well (Sunday, Aug. 4 at 7:13 a.m.). This new moon is infused with extra focus on a heart-centered approach to what we desire to create in our lives that will complement personal and collective growth. The second Mercury retrograde of this year also begins this week on the fifth (Aug. 5 – 28), which gifts us the opportunity to welcome new ideas and practical, creative ways to move forward with the new moon’s potential. Mercury retrogrades have a bad reputation since they usually disturb our daily lives by interrupting communication, travel, technology and finances. I love Mercury retrogrades for the subtle gifts in the interruptions, the power of the pause and the opportunities to discover new ways to think about or do whatever is coming up for review. They’re the best times to work with the magic of the messenger planet! See the above horoscope for your rising sign for more specific information. If you’re unsure what your rising sign is, you can learn more in my info/tutorial video on our Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel, or cast your own birth chart for free on astro.com.
