The Cosmic Connection
with Ursula Duffy
Aries: It’s a good week to keep to yourself a little more than usual. Challenges in communication may arise requiring patience, pause and extra awareness around responding rather than reacting. Be mindful of disagreements with siblings or extended family.
Taurus: The dynamic interplay between your community and your resources may initiate new and creative strategies. Remain unwavering in your devotion and commitment to an inspired vision for your future.
Gemini: A challenging situation with work may arise, accompanied by feelings of anger and frustration. Recognizing any triggers and responding with calm, centered and clear communication are ways to grow through the situation.
Cancer: Parts of yourself previously dormant or unknown want to be seen. Peaceful time in nature, slowing down and bonding with yourself create space for the birth of these parts into your awareness.
Leo: A new or expanded community of which you’re now a part can inspire a deeper understanding of and connection with yourself. Ride the waves with an open heart and you’ll become an even more confident person.
Virgo: The balancing act between yourself, work and relationships requires attention. Determine which areas require which resources and implement a practical approach. Adapt and redistribute as necessary.
Libra: An unforeseen circumstance may impact your day-to-day life. A 10,000 foot perspective view can help reveal the path forward in handling the situation and create a healthier behavior pattern in the process.
Scorpio: What lies beneath the surface and how bringing these parts of you more into the light are being stimulated. Getting more serious about a creation while being real about your connection to that creation could guide the way to the surface.
Sagittarius: There’s a catalyzation of the interrelationship between your life at home, your partnerships and your career brewing. Release of something in one area will be beneficial to redirecting your focus where it’s most needed at this time.
Capricorn: Energy to tackle your to-do lists and usual productivity level get a boost this week. With the extra motivation, be sure to also fuel your curiosity and any spiritually fulfilling practices.
Aquarius: A call to action is in play and your passions are the terroir. Let go a little and welcome in more deeply restorative fun. Lightening up is medicine for any mood.
Pisces: Feng Shui Your Life by Marie Diamond may be a great resource to dive into this week. The energy in your home impacts you, any others that also live with you (including pets) and can be changed up easily to replenish your soul!
Weekly Summary:
There’s tension brewing in the energies this week, that will become even more tense next week leading up to the full moon (Aug. 19). The best way to work with cosmic tension is to remember the connection to your lived experience and to take action accordingly. Tension above translates to initiations, inspired action and facing challenges and lessons below. Remember to be extra clear with communication and that technology and travel snafus may more frequently occur all month. See the above horoscope for your rising sign for more specific information. If you’re unsure what your rising sign is, you can learn more in my info/tutorial video on our Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel, or cast your own birth chart for free on
Ursula Duffy is a Professional Astrologer, founder of Ursa Alchemy and founding partner/Goddess of Operations (GOO) of Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Atlantic City, NJ. Find her services, teachings, podcast, get in touch and more at