Horoscopes for June 27 – July 3

Cosmic Connection
By Ursula Duffy

♈ Aries: Life’s balancing act is coming into sharper focus. Trailblazing requires action and adjustment. Consider areas for improvement in the road ahead by reflecting on the experience of the journey in hindsight.

♉ Taurus: Finding a sense of peace may be closer than you realize. Your immediate surroundings are a great resource. Soothe any restlessness by going for a walk, enjoying a local meal or even considering a brief staycation.

♊ Gemini: A change in pace allowing for more free time is an asset. Use the time wisely by spending it on things that bring you joy, creating new connections and catching up with friends.

♋ Cancer: Redirecting your focus from work and studies to your relationships and yourself may feel long overdue at this time. A little extra tender loving care, especially for you, can go a long way.

♌ Leo: Revelations in attachment patterns allow space and grace for change. Be honest with yourself and be open to a new daily practice that can assist you in healing forward.

♍ Virgo: Feeling understood is often a great blessing. Connecting with like-minded community, whether in-person or online, can help nurture this need and provide uplifting solutions.

♎ Libra: Shedding old skins and redefining yourself are deeply internal processes, especially when your public image is concurrently changing. Give yourself some quiet, alone time at home or in private if things are feeling overwhelming.

♏ Scorpio: Sometimes things happen that can feel way beyond any form of control. In any event with unseen forces at the helm, there’s always an opportunity for a shift in perspective. Jotting down thoughts and emotions is a helpful way to sort through confusing feelings.

♐ Sagittarius: Teaching from your own lived experience is a wonderful way to impart knowledge onto others. Take a risk and dive deeply into yourself to enrich your lesson plans.

♑ Capricorn: A bit of sluggishness is afoot. Prepare to move forward again by taking a few steps back to rest and recharge. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness.

♒ Aquarius: Your usual spark may feel a little dimmer for a while. Volunteering or participating in community events can be satisfying ways to refuel and to keep the momentum going.

♓ Pisces: The wave has crested and now it’s time to go within and retreat into yourself. Firmer boundaries to create space for self-discovery and internal review may be necessary. Take inventory of every recent tide that has led to greater self-empowerment.

Weekly Summary:

We reach the midpoint of the calendar year this week, and it will feel pivotal in more ways than one. Hindsight is truly 20/20 and it’s a good practice to review the last six months. Take inventory of what’s been positively fueling your internal fire while also identifying what’s been taking away from feeling more whole and balanced. Intentionally move ahead with the positive and actively release the negative. Pay particular attention to where you’ve grown by taking more personal responsibility in your life and making your dreams reality. Whatever surfaced or was revealed during last week’s full moon could provide some useful information, and a second chapter of that story is incoming toward the end of July.

Ursula Duffy is a Professional Astrologer, founder of Ursa Alchemy and founding partner/Goddess of Operations (GOO) of Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Atlantic City, NJ. Find her services, teachings, podcast, get in touch and more at www.seagoddesshealingarts.com/ursaalchemy


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