Horoscopes for July 18 – July 24

The Cosmic Connection
with Ursula Duffy

♈ Aries: Your uniqueness has a place in this world. The path to realizing and embracing that yourself is the key. Anything holding you back from your fullest self-expression will surface and require brazen action. Keep your cool and remember “the privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are”. -C.G. Jung

♉ Taurus: Becoming who you truly are has been a steady journey for a while, pushing you out of your comfort zone. Even more of the road less traveled will be illuminated. It’s up to you to continue carving your way to your highest potential regardless of the influence or opinions of others.

♊ Gemini: The influence or opinions of others are sometimes unavoidable, however your connection to yourself and your inner dialogue are what truly matter. Concentrate on taking a deeper look within with appreciation of new insights.

♋ Cancer: New insights into your closest relationships are being revealed. Have no fear around how matters of your heart may become less secretive. Your relationship with yourself, your heart and voice are your greatest assets. “The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon them.” -Ida B. Wells

♌ Leo: In the light of truth is where you’ve been standing, and it takes courage to wear your heart on your sleeve. Keep your creative spirit alive and remember to feel in the wake of recent changes. As you continue pioneering new terrain, draw upon this sentiment for encouragement: “I don’t mind going, as long as I can look brave and be brave.” -The Cowardly Lion, The Wizard of Oz

♍ Virgo: Looking brave and being brave through the creative process, especially when the battlefront is within, is no small feat! Keep pushing through any self-doubt or self-criticism. The fuel tank of your gift to the world is full and perfection doesn’t exist.

♎ Libra: The fuel tank for your independence has been maintaining the spark. It’s a brave new world when constructing a new container for oneself fully takes form. Breathe deeply through lingering tension. Artistic tools can be handy to move through feelings of overwhelm.

♏ Scorpio: Feelings of overwhelm may have already begun before this week as you are so deeply sensitive. Clarity may be shrouded in murkiness around what’s yours and what belongs to the collective. Keep the emotional waters moving through song and dance. Shake it off and out!

♐ Sagittarius: Shaking it off and out with movement keeps your free spirit moving! The results from your efforts in keeping that fire stoked may finally come to light. Move forward with the experiences and people that have shown up as champions and feel through release of those that have not.

♑ Capricorn: Championship of anything comes with hard work and extreme discipline and endurance. The fullness of rebuilding oneself over and over will be felt. Acknowledge what’s rising in you and keep in mind “the summit is what drives us, but the climb itself is what matters.” -Conrad Anker

♒ Aquarius: The climb itself is ahead of you, the caverns of your subconscious are the terrain. Dreams and feelings illuminate pathways into this new landscape. Open communication with confidants can help work through the unfamiliar.

♓ Pisces: Working through the unfamiliar and navigating its waters are your natural talents. Taking responsibility for yourself and your inherent abilities creates a path for the unknown to take form. “Don’t let others hijack your dreams. Be captain of your own ship and master of your own destiny.” -Joanne Madeline Moore

Weekly Summary:

The second of two Capricorn full moons culminates on Sunday, July 21 at 6:17 a.m. Whenever there are two consecutive full moons in the same sign, it’s important to reflect on what’s unfolded during the time between. Revisit the horoscopes from the week of June 20 – June 26 (they can be found on shorelocalnews.com) and think about the connection between the first Capricorn full moon on June 21 and this week’s experience. The cosmic connection involves taking action and responsibility for our contribution to the journey with an open mind and an open heart. See the above horoscope for your Rising Sign for more specific information. If you’re unsure what your Rising Sign is, you can learn more in my info/tutorial video on our Sea Goddess Healing Arts YouTube channel, or cast your own birth chart for free on astro.com.

Ursula Duffy is a Professional Astrologer, founder of Ursa Alchemy and founding partner/Goddess of Operations (GOO) of Sea Goddess Healing Arts, Atlantic City, NJ. Find her services, teachings, podcast, get in touch and more at www.seagoddesshealingarts.com/ursaalchemy
