Five things to add to your fall bucket list

From the Editor

Autumn reminds me of “golden hour” at the shore, that magical window of time during summer evenings when it’s not too hot or too crowded and beauty abounds. This week we officially enter autumn.

Even without the calendar confirming it, the signs are everywhere, from giant skeletons popping up in front yards to the cool nights and increasingly earlier sunsets. With the summer crowds thinning, locals and day-trippers can enjoy a quieter, more relaxed vibe at the shore. The water is still warm, the sunsets are stunning, and the slower pace allows for a deeper appreciation of everything the shore has to offer.

It’s not just the beaches that shine in the fall—the Jersey Shore’s historic landmarks and natural wonders are at their best this time of year. Without the peak season crowds, you can take your time, breathe in the crisp air, and discover the rich history and beauty that often gets overshadowed during the summer hustle.

If you’re looking for some local spots to explore, here are five landmarks I highly recommend adding to your fall bucket list:

Absecon Lighthouse: Standing tall and proud, this historic beacon has been guiding mariners for over 160 years. Climb to the top for panoramic views of Atlantic City and the surrounding area.

Lucy the Elephant: This beloved, larger-than-life icon in Margate is a must-see for locals and tourists alike. Not only does Lucy offer fascinating tours, but her towering presence is a reminder of the shore’s quirky charm and enduring history.

Corson’s Inlet State Park: A gem for outdoor enthusiasts, Corson’s Inlet, on the southern end of Ocean City, is ideal for kayaking, bird-watching, and fishing. The serene beauty of the park, with its quiet dunes and marshlands, offers a great escape.

Somers Mansion: Take a step back in time at this historical site, the oldest existing house in Atlantic County. It’s a window into the past, offering insight into early colonial life and the founders of our region. Free tours are offered on weekends.

Historic Smithville: Spend the afternoon browsing boutiques, tasting delicious treats, and taking in the natural splendor. Whether you’re riding the carousel with your kids, smiling at a family of ducks, or attending a weekend festival, every visit to Smithville is unique and memorable.

Cape May County Zoo: Known for its beautifully maintained grounds and free admission, the zoo is home to over 500 animals representing more than 200 species from around the world. Visitors can explore lush, shaded paths while encountering giraffes, lions, and zebras, as well as exotic animals like red pandas and snow leopards. Its adjoining park, with playgrounds, picnic areas, and nature trails, makes it the perfect place to spend the day.

Exploring these local gems in your town will make you feel more connected to your home and bring some unexpected joy!

Peace & Love,


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