Christmas Trees by the Sea

By Cindy Christy Fertsch

Melanie Stampone thought we could all use some extra holiday cheer this year. So she along with her husband, Rich Stampone, placed a Christmas tree at the 55th Street beach in Ocean City.  She even left a sharpie for the next person to write a wish or prayer on a clam shell and place it under the tree as she had done.  Afterwards, they,along with their beloved dog, Maisy, took photos by the beautiful beach tree. Melanie posted the photos on Facebook inviting others to enjoy the tree on 55th Street. Since then hundreds have stopped by to add a shell and grab a photo.

Social media spread the word like wildfire. That combined with folks seeking socially-distant ways to celebrate the holiday season, made this a very popular spot to visit. Saturday afternoon, a line formed around the much celebrated pine tree at the 55th Street beach.

The same scene played out on the North Street beach in Ocean City. Lines formed with visitors each getting a chance to take a photo and/or add a shell. The North Street beach tree in Ocean City is what started it all.

In 2019, Sue McElwee placed the tree on the beach. “It makes me so happy to bring so many people some joy and I love creating traditions here,” said McElwee.

This year, McElwee collected a bucket of clam shells and left markers for people to add a name or a wish on. The Stampone’s thought it would be nice to have one on the south end of the island as well.

The tree has already drawn some new traditions. For instance, McElwee wrote the names of her three children on shells to decorate the tree. More shells with more names were quickly added. This year, McElwee collected a bucket of clam shells and left colorful markers in the sand for people to add their own shells. Some added decorations and even solar powered lights, which created a stunning sight for night viewers.

Christmas trees are popping up on other island beaches as well. Ventnor City has one on Derby Avenue and more are sure to follow. When the world is in a pandemic, these symbols of holiday cheer bring hope and  joy to many.
