Salvation Army Carries On

By Krystle J. Bailey

You’ve seen the red kettles, you’ve heard the jingling of the bell outside of your favorite department store. You may even know someone who has been helped by the Salvation Army. What you might not know is that the love, time, energy, and effort that allows the Salvation Army to help is all home-grown. Each Salvation Army location is responsible for raising its own funds. So, when you drop your change in a local kettle, you are helping a family in your neighborhood.

The Texas Avenue Salvation Army in Atlantic City provides daily hot meals for local families in need. Beyond that, they also provide hot showers, laundry programs, counseling, childcare programs, and so much more. Led by Captain Frank Picciotto, Shana Picciotto, Michael Deangelo, and many volunteers, the Salvation Army of Atlantic City is a haven for Atlantic County families.

This year, like most things in 2020, has been immensely different. The abundant need for hot meals and resources has grown exponentially. In the month of September alone, over 40,000 meals were dispatched with over 130,000 meals being served since March. Families in our area are struggling more than ever in the wake of Covid-19 shutdowns. The Salvation Army has not missed a beat in providing meals and resources, however with the high demand, there is a shortage of resources.

In the thick of the holiday season, the Salvation Army is in need of three specific things that will help them to continue to give.

The Adopt-a-Family program provides holiday gifts for families in need. Normally, Caesar’s hosts a big party inviting guests to choose families from the Angel Tree to donate gifts for. In the wake of Covid, that party was unable to occur so there is an even higher need for individuals willing to give this year. The families who receive the gifts are asked to provide a list of things that they need and are then invited to list a few things that they want. There are hundreds of families in our area that do not have the resources to give their children a plentiful Christmas. If you have the means and are willing to adopt a family this Christmas, fill out the application listed below or contact Shana Picciotto at

The Salvation Army is in need of bell ringers this season. Typically, they offer job opportunities for local men and women, paying them to work as a bell ringer. However, with so much need in 2020, they are asking for individuals to volunteer their time so that 100% of the proceeds can go to providing food for the community. If you’re interested in volunteering your time, please fill out the application on the website below.

Captians Frank & Shana Picciotto of Atlantic City Salvation Army

Lastly, the Salvation Army is in need of small businesses willing to place countertop kettles in their establishments. Every little bit of change helps, so having the kettle on countertops is a great invitation for patrons to drop a dollar or two in the kettle to feed a family. This year, the Salvation Army has the ability to accept Apple and Google Pay as well.

We are all on this “2020 ride” together. As a community, we must lean into one another. If you don’t have the financial means to adopt a family, maybe you can volunteer a couple of hours to ring the bell at one of the kettle locations. However you choose to give this year, just remember that we are South Jersey. We have been through the best of times and the worst of times as a community and together, we will get through this as well. Wishing you and yours an abundant, healthy, happy holiday season.

To volunteer, visit:

Love one another. Happy Holidays.

Krystle J Bailey. Multimedia journalist, Author, Poet
