Some Kind of Grinch

Letter from the editor 

Do you remember how the Grinch tried to steal Christmas? I think if there was a 2020 remake, the Grinch would be the Covid-19 virus. So much has been taken from us in the spring, summer, and fall. Now we are dreading all that will be missed this holiday season. Will some traditions be lost this year?

Just like the Grinch, Covid-19 can try and try to take away our joy and holiday spirit. It can take our holiday parties and family gatherings, parades, concerts, shopping days, and even our church services and tree lightings. But like the Grinch, Covid-19 will never succeed in taking our holiday spirit because like the story goes- “Perhaps Christmas means a little bit more.”

Many things that really matter are still ours to enjoy like driving or walking around the neighborhood and enjoying lights and decorations, family movie nights, singing Christmas carols, decorating a tree or baking cookies. Those cannot be taken or covered up with masks. Those little moments are what fill up our hearts and make the holidays special.

In this issue of Shore Local, check out Holly Martin’s column about traditions page 9. It really rang true with me. When I think back on my own childhood and the years I spent raising my kids, it was the little family rituals that made the holidays special. Often silly, those small moments made us laugh and bond together. 

Sometimes adversity brings us closer and it can bring out the best in us. This year has been a tremendous test. It has peeled away a lot of layers, revealing what we really need and value. I was inspired by a friend recently who viewed the pandemic as an opportunity to learn how to get things done differently, more efficiently. Perspective truly is everything. We can choose to be dismal and depressed or strong and steady. 

Life’s a journey. I never imagined I would find myself in many of the circumstances I have faced. Yet, I am stronger and better because I did it. We will come out of this pandemic soon and because of it, we will be stronger, smarter, and more versatile. Hang in there. Focus on the silver lining and all the promise of the holiday season.

Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy holiday season.

Peace & Love,
