Cardio vs. Strength Training: Which one should I be doing to lose weight?

Empowering Women
By Rachel Guevara

When it comes to shedding those extra pounds, the age-old debate between cardio and strength training often leaves many women scratching their heads. Should you be pounding the pavement or pumping iron? The answer isn’t as straightforward as you might think.

While cardiovascular exercise is renowned for its high caloric burn, strength training has some hidden benefits that make it a vital component of any weight loss journey.

Let’s dive into the details and dispel some myths along the way.

The Cardio Advantage:

Cardiovascular exercises such as running, cycling, and swimming, are fantastic for burning a significant amount of calories in a relatively short period. Engaging in regular cardio helps improve heart health, boosts endurance and burns off fat.

For many women, the immediate post-workout calorie burn is what makes cardio so appealing. However, to maximize your weight loss efforts, you shouldn’t rely on cardio alone.

The Strength Training Secret:

Strength training, or resistance training, involves exercises that improve muscle strength and endurance. This can include lifting weights, using resistance bands, or body-weight exercises like push-ups and squats. While it might not burn as many calories during the workout as cardio does, the real magic happens after you leave the gym.

Here’s why:

  1. Increased Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR):

Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue. By increasing your muscle mass, you raise your RMR, meaning you burn more calories throughout the day, even when you’re not working out.

  1. Afterburn Effect:

Also known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), strength training keeps your metabolism elevated for hours after your workout. This is your body working hard to repair muscle tissue, which burns additional calories.

  1. Improved Body Composition:

Strength training helps you build lean muscle while reducing fat. Even if the scale doesn’t change drastically, your body shape will. Lean muscle takes up less space than fat, leading to a more toned and fit appearance.

  1. Enhanced Insulin Sensitivity:

Building muscle helps your body use insulin more efficiently, which can reduce fat storage and enhance fat loss.

  1. Better Long-term Weight Management:

With an increased metabolism and more muscle mass, you’ll find it easier to maintain your weight loss in the long term compared to relying on cardio alone.

A common misconception is that lifting weights will make women bulky. In reality, women typically don’t have the testosterone levels necessary to gain large amounts of muscle mass quickly. Instead, strength training will help you develop a lean, toned physique.

The images of overly muscular women often seen online are typically the result of specific training regimens and, in some cases, performance-enhancing substances, not your average weightlifting routine.

If the idea of hitting the weights sounds intimidating, fear not!

Strength training doesn’t require fancy gym machines. Here are some fun and effective ways to incorporate strength training into your routine.

Body Weight Exercises:

Push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks can be done anywhere and are excellent for building strength.

Resistance Bands:

These affordable tools are great for adding resistance to your exercises and can be used at home or while traveling.

Free Weights:

Dumbbells and kettlebells are versatile and effective. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase as you get stronger.

Functional Training:

Incorporating movements that mimic daily activities, like lifting groceries or playing with your kids, can improve your strength and coordination.

Group Classes:

Many gyms offer strength-based classes like CrossFit, BodyPump, or boot camps, which can make weight training more social and fun.

If you’re new to strength training and feel unsure about where to start, hiring a personal trainer might be a worthwhile investment. A professional can create a personalized plan tailored to your goals and ensure you’re using proper form to prevent injuries.

So while cardio is excellent for burning calories, don’t underestimate the power of strength training in your weight-loss journey. By building muscle, you’ll boost your metabolism, burn more calories throughout the day and achieve a toned and healthy physique.

Lace up your sneakers and grab those dumbbells. Your future self will thank you!

Rachel Guevara is the owner of Lift & Glitz Training Studio in Northfield, NJ. With 13 years of experience in the fitness industry, Rachel holds certifications in Personal & Group Fitness through ISSA and is a Zumba Fitness Instructor. A proud single mother of two, Rachel balances her professional and personal life with grace and determination. She earned her BA in Communications from Stockton University and resides in Northfield.
