‘Blood Brother’ Albert Castiglia brings blues to Lizzie Rose Dec. 20

Tune In, Turn On
With  Doug Deutsch

If acting legends John Belushi and Dan  Akroyd were known as “the Blues Brothers,” what might hard-working guitar slingers Albert Castiglia and Mike Zito be known as?

How about Blood Brothers?

“It (Blood Brothers) formed in late 2021, shortly after (Gulf Coast Records President) Mike (Zito) and I did a series of nationwide gigs together,” said Castiglia via email while on tour (he performs at Lizzie Rose Music Room in Tuckerton Friday, Dec. 20). “We have a great chemistry. People wanted to see us play together to the point where we had to satisfy the demand. It’s been a wonderful run.

“I think individually we are great,” Castiglia continued. “When you put us together it’s a whole different show, sound and energy. It’s been amazing sharing this adventure with my best friend.”

Blood Brothers won the Blues Rock Album award at the 45th Annual Blues Music Awards last year – no small feat.

Success in the music world these days can often be linked to how frequently an artist tours. Castiglia rarely rests, and is in demand.

“We were just in Europe and it was fantastic! We did a festival in The Czech Republic, a sold-out club in Schopfheim, Germany, and a week-long engagement at Marian’s Jazz Club in Bern Switzerland. Those folks know the blues!,” Albert says, clearly enjoying life on the road.

Originally from New York City, Castiglia was taken a liking to by blues harp great, Junior Wells. Albert went on to play lead guitar in Wells’ band until the latter’s 1998 passing.

As most know, both Blues Brothers were members of famed late-night comedy show, “Saturday Night Live.” The Blood Brothers, too, have a former SNL cast member with a flair for performing blues music: Bill Murray.

“Mike and I are close friends with Bill’s brother, John. We met John through (blues musician/satirist) Chris “Bad News” Barnes,” said Castiglia, whose wife, Michelle Castiglia, operates a blues radio promotion company.

“John told Bill about the Blood Brothers. That prompted an invitation to play a show at the Murray Bros.’ annual Caddyshack Golf Tournament in St. Augustine, Fla. Bill sang five songs with the band that night. It was surreal to share the stage with such an icon. He carried himself onstage like he was just one of the guys. So much fun. Bill had such a good time that he reached out to Mike (Zito) and told him he wanted to do shows with us. The rest is history!”

The Albert Castiglia Band is at Lizzie Rose Music Room, Friday, Dec. 20. Visit lizzierosemusicroom.com. It was close to sold out as we went to press.

John Eddie Rocks Resorts: One of New Jersey’s favorite musical rock guitarist/ singer-songwriters whose songs have been recorded by Sammy Hagar, Kid Rock and Keith Urban, among others, brings his “Holiday Ho Ho Hoedown” to Resorts Casino’s Superstar Theater Friday, Dec. 13.

“Everyone’s been asking if we are going to do the acoustic after-party like we did last time at Resorts. The answer is yes,” said Eddie. “Immediately after our show in Resorts we’ll head across to Dougherty’s for a Holiday Hootenanny After-Party! Free admission. It’ll be a blast with lots of surprises and songs we didn’t play during the big show. We’re also doing an early New Year’s Eve countdown at midnight just for fun (and to freak out the drunks who will think it’s actually New Year’s Eve and they can’t believe they missed half of December).” Funny guy. (resortscasino.com).

Doug is the owner/operator of Doug Deutsch Publicity Services, which since 1995 has been servicing nationally touring acts, and working record release campaigns for clients. Doug also hàs experience writing for the one time shore-based weekly publication, Whoot! He also was a team member with Chip Braymes Advertising. Doug loves bicycling and aspires to bring the Blues to  Atlantic City. He can be reached at ShoreLocalDoug@gmail.com and www.facebook.com/dougdeutschpublicity.
