Bargaintown Volunteer Fire Co. Open House designed to to educate EHT residents

By Stephanie Loder

Each year, the Bargaintown Volunteer Fire Company gives Egg Harbor Township residents a chance to learn and interact with them at their annual Open House.

Why is it important?

The two-hour event scheduled this year for 6 to 8 p.m. Sept. 30 aims to show adults and children what to do in case a fire happens, said Dennis Hofmann, the fire company president.

The awareness and education are also important because firefighters in the township aren’t paid.

Whether they are responding to a fire or a vehicle crash, standing on the road at a township intersection taking donations, or simply being on hand for the open house – all of the work is done for free.

The fire company relies on donations to buy new equipment.

They are always looking for more volunteers.

Last year, Bargaintown firefighters responded to more than 450 calls, Hofmann said.

They are staffed with 30 volunteer firefighters, he said.

Hofmann said it takes everyone in the fire company and the auxiliary to put on the event each year, but the importance is big.

“We want people to know the fire department is their friend,” Hofmann said. “We want them to realize how dangerous fire is.”

Firefighters demonstrate how a fire starts. One year they showed visitors a kitchen fire, and another year a Christmas tree fire.

This year, Hofmann said, volunteers will use a makeshift room built out of light wood and plastic to show visitors how a fire starts in a room and quickly destroys the contents.

Attendees can watch safely through the sheet of plastic as the flames grow in the room and how firefighters extinguish them.

“It’s made of sheeting but has plastic in front so people can see how the flames consume the room,” Hofmann said. “It’s one thing talking about flames, but actually seeing it is different. It makes people realize the danger.”

Firefighters offer hands-on education at the Open House.

There’s an interactive fire extinguisher display that helps anyone who wants to learn how to use one.

There will be a vehicle extrication demonstration. Firefighters will use a hydraulic extrication tool to show how a car is cut apart if someone is trapped in a crash.

The Open House includes fun things to do for children, like tour the firehouse and see the fire engines.

Children also get a chance to squirt water with a booster hose from a fire truck.

“We have hotdogs and chips and soda and water to give out to people,” he said. “People can look at the trucks, talk to firefighters. We have a band providing live music.”

The Egg Harbor Township Police Department provides Child ID and New Jersey Forest Fire Service sends a truck, Hofmann said.

The goal of the open house – which will be at the fire station at 6550 Mill Road in Bargaintown – is to educate the public.

“We need more education to try to teach people about the dangers of fire. If there’s a fire at your house, you need to get out of the house and call the fire department. Nothing is worth your life,” Hofmann said.


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